Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Greetings, intrepid tester/developer/reader!

This file exists to keep track of various tests which someone needs to write for Axis at some point. Ideally, any time you write a piece of code in Axis, you should also write documentation and tests for whatever functionality you work on. Unfortunately, we live in the real world and that doesn't always happen. Hence, this file.

This is a place to keep track, in simple english descriptions, of particular tests which need to be written. It serves two main purposes : 1) to help us remember these things, and 2) to provide a starting point for development when people have some spare cycles or are interested in finding some way to participate in the Axis community.

On to the (soon-to-be) tests:

Name of test Description of test Developer(s) Status
SkeletonMethods confirm that the methods from the Skeleton interface are NOT exposed in the generated WSDL for services. Glen none
soap12.Version Test that when a service is sent a SOAP 1.2 message, we get back a SOAP 1.2 response. Glen none
soap12.RpcBody Test that our SOAP 1.2 RPC implementation only allows a single body element (should fault otherwise). Glen none