To run the attachments sample, you must do the following: 1. Set up your CLASSPATH. 2. Start a server. 3. Deploy the service. 4. Run the sample. 1. Set up your CLASSPATH. The CLASSPATH must contain: an XML parser (ie., Xerces), JUnit (, mail and activation jars (ie., Tomcat's mail.jar and activation.jar), all the jars in the lib directory, and the directory containing the samples subdirectory. 2. Start a server. You must have a server running (ie., Tomcat) with the AXIS samples available to it. For this test, the AXIS SimplAxisServer is not enough. See the documentation for your server for details. 3. Deploy the service. To deploy the service, run: java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient attachdeploy.wsdd 4. Run the sample. Usage: java samples.attachments.EchoAttachment [options] file | dir options: -d turn on debugging - more 'd means more info -h server host name -l ie. http://localhost:80/axis/servlet/AxisServlet -p server port number -s ie. axis/servlet/AxisServlet -u user-id -w password If you use the authorization and authentication handlers you'll need to add a couple of files to your Servlet Engine's current dir: users.lst - list of users and passwords perms.lst - list of users and allowable actions per user The demo sends the file specified as an attachment to the service which in turn sends the same attachment back. The file sent back is then compared to see if it matches with the original. If a directory is specified, the same is done except all the files in that directory are sent, received and compared in one call. Scripts are provided to help with the above. Specify the above options if the host is not "localhost" or the port is not 8080. deployit Will deploy the service. testit Will test the service. undeployit Will undeploy the service.