To run the address book sample, you must do the following: 1. Set up your CLASSPATH. 2. Generate the Java bindings from the AddressBook.wsdl file. 3. Compile the code. 4. Start a server. 5. Run the sample. 1. Set up your CLASSPATH. The CLASSPATH must contain: an XML parser (ie., Xerces), JUnit (, all the jars in the lib directory, and the directory containing the samples subdirectory. 2. Generate the Java bindings from the AddressBook.wsdl file. a. Change directory to the directory that contains the samples subdirectory. b. Run the command: java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -s -d Session -Nurn:AddressFetcher2=samples.addr samples\addr\AddressBook.wsdl This will generate all the bindings, both client-side and server-side, into the samples/addr subdirectory. 3. Compile the code. a. Now you can change directory to samples/addr b. And compile the sample: javac *.java 4. Start a server. To run the sample, you will first need to run a server. To run a very simple server you could run, in a separate window: java org.apache.axis.transport.http.SimpleAxisServer -p 8080 5. Run the sample. Finally, to run the client, run or testit.cmd, depending on your platform.