Apache Avro Build Instructions REQUIREMENTS The following packages must be installed before Avro can be built: - Java: JDK 1.6, Maven 2 or better, protobuf-compile - PHP: php5, phpunit, php5-gmp - Python: 2.5 or greater, python-setuptools for dist target - C: gcc, cmake, asciidoc, source-highlight - C++: cmake 2.8.4 or greater, g++, flex, bison, libboost-dev - C#: mono-devel mono-gmcs nunit - Ruby: ruby 1.86 or greater, ruby-dev, gem, rake, echoe, yajl-ruby - Apache Ant 1.7 - Apache Forrest 0.8 (for documentation) - md5sum, sha1sum, used by top-level dist target BUILDING Once the requirements are installed, build.sh can be used as follows: './build.sh test' runs tests for all languages './build.sh dist' creates all release distribution files in dist/ './build.sh clean' removes all generated artifacts