Avro Change Log Avro 1.1.0 (8 September 2009) INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES AVRO-110. GenericData and ReflectData have been converted to use a singleton pattern. Calls to static methods on these classes must be replaced with calls on the singleton instance. (cutting) AVRO-41. GenericArray's constructor now requires a Schema, so that it may implement Comparable consistently with AVRO-108. (cutting) AVRO-41. Several GenericDatumWriter methods (instanceOf(), isRecord(), etc.) have been moved to GenericData, where they can better be shared with comparators. Applications which subclassed GenericDatumWriter overriding these methods must now instead subclass GenericData and pass their subclass to GenericDatumWriter. (cutting) AVRO-41. SpecificRecord's schema() method has been renamed getSchema(), since it now implements the new GenericContainer interface shared with GenericRecord. (cutting) NEW FEATURES AVRO-50. Implmenent JSON data codec in Java. (Thiruvalluvan M. G. & cutting) AVRO-76. Add Java RPC plugin framework. (George Porter) AVRO-104. Permit null fields in Java reflection. (Eelco Hillenius via cutting) AVRO-92. Describe JSON data encoding in specification document. (cutting) AVRO-108. Add Java implementation of binary comparator. (cutting) AVRO-41. Java generic and specific data instances now implement Comparable. The implementation is consistent with the binary comparator added in AVRO-108. (cutting) AVRO-109. Add Java support for controlling sort order via schema annotations. Record fields now support an "order" attribute whose possible values are "increasing" (the default), "decreasing", and "ignore". (cutting) AVRO-111. Document sort ordering in the specification. (cutting) IMPROVEMENTS AVRO-71. C++: make deserializer more generic. (Scott Banachowski via cutting) AVRO-60. Fix C JSON parser to correctly handle escapes and multi-byte characters. Add tests. (Matt Massie via cutting) AVRO-54. Re-upgrade to testng 5.9 and re-enable listeners. (cutting) AVRO-82. Add checkstyle to java compilation. (Thiruvalluvan M. G. via cutting) AVRO-81. Switch back from TestNG to JUnit. (Konstantin Boudnik via cutting) AVRO-84, AVRO-85. Clarify a few things in the specification document. (Thiruvalluvan M. G. and cutting) AVRO-89. In fields of Java generated classes, use unboxed numeric types. (cutting) AVRO-83. In generated Java code, elide unions with null. (cutting) AVRO-98. Fix C++ schema parser to permit JSON attributes in any order and to ignore extra attributes. (Scott Banachowski via cutting) OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES AVRO-78. Fix Java reflect to work on non-public fields. (cutting) AVRO-79. Specify format for default fixed values, and implement correctly in Java. (Thiruvalluvan M. G. via cutting) AVRO-87. Fix broken links in javadoc introduced by AVRO-82. Also change test-java build target to fail on javadoc warnings. (Thiruvalluvan M. G. and cutting) AVRO-90. Fix Java's JSON codec to correctly encode unions. (cutting) AVRO-95. Fix writing of Java reflect-based unions. Also extend DataFileWriter to permit adding branches to a union schema while writing. AVRO-88. Fix Java's BlockingBinaryEncoder to correctly override writeEnum(). (Ravi Gummadi via cutting) AVRO-61. Add Python support for reading blocked data. (Ravi Gummadi via cutting) AVRO-97. Fix various C++ bugs. (Scott Banachowski via cutting) AVRO-100. In spec, remove warning about blocking being draft. (cutting) AVRO-107. Fix Protocol#equals() and Protocol#hashCode() to consider the protocol's types, and also fix Schema#equals() to not throw ClassCastException when a fixed schema is compared to non-fixed. (cutting) AVRO-112. Turn off C++ debug output. (Scott Banachowski via cutting) AVRO-114. Fix "cdoc" Ant target to correctly run doxygen. (Matt Massie via cutting) Avro 1.0.0 -- 9 July 2009 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES AVRO-1. Record fields are now defined with JSON arrays, rather than JSON objects, since fields are ordered. (cutting & sharad) AVRO-9. Restrict map keys to strings. (cutting & sharad) AVRO-2. Optimized RPC handshake protocol for Java. (cutting) AVRO-57. Make ValueWriter an abstract class named Encoder and make ValueReader an abstract class named Decoder, and add concrete implementations named BinaryEncoder and BinaryDecoder. (cutting) AVRO-46. Optimized RPC handshake protocol for Python. (sharad) AVRO-66. Add per-call RPC metadata to Java and Python. (George Porter & cutting) NEW FEATURES AVRO-6. Permit easier implementation of alternate generic data representations, especially records with integer-indexed fields. (Hong Tang via cutting) AVRO-8. Add Java support for default values. (cutting) AVRO-33. C support for primitive types. (Matt Massie via cutting) AVRO-18. Add support for enum types. (cutting & sharad) AVRO-10. Add Java support for fixed-sized types. (cutting) AVRO-38. Add Python support for fixed-sized types. (sharad) AVRO-42. Add partial C++ implementation. (Scott Banachowski via cutting) AVRO-25. Add blocking value writer that permits arbitrarily long arrays and maps to be efficiently written as sequences of blocks. (Thiruvalluvan M. G. via cutting) AVRO-48. Add JSON parser for C. (Matt Massie via cutting) AVRO-29. Add to Java a validating encoder & decoder, and a resolving decoder. (Thiruvalluvan M. G. & Raymie Stata) AVRO-67. Add per-call RPC metadata to spec. (George Porter via cutting) AVRO-28. Add Python support for default values. (sharad via cutting) IMPROVEMENTS AVRO-11. Re-implement specific and reflect datum readers and writers to leverage AVRO-6. (cutting) AVRO-13. Use dictionary instead of if-else in validate. (sharad) AVRO-5. Add java versus python RPC interoperability tests. (sharad) AVRO-16. Minor documentation improvements. (cutting) AVRO-15. Override __eq__() and __hash__() in Schema classes. (sharad) AVRO-26. Switch tests from JUnit to TestNG. (Konstantin Boudnik via cutting) AVRO-34. Upgrade to Jackson version 1.0.0. (cutting) AVRO-37. Add C api docs. Also link to py docs. (Matt Massie & cutting) AVRO-32. Java specific generated record classes now implement equals() and hashCode(). (cutting) AVRO-48. Remove unused imports and annotations. (Thiruvalluvan M. G. via cutting) AVRO-53. Use Ivy to retrieve Java dependencies. (cutting) AVRO-56. Use Jackson to generate JSON from Java. (cutting) AVRO-36. Correctly encode and decode binary default values. (cutting) AVRO-59. C++: make serializer more generic. (Scott Banachowski via cutting) AVRO-68. Add license headers to C sources and improve C packaging. (Matt Massie via cutting) OPTIMIZATIONS BUG FIXES AVRO-3. Fix ValueReader to throw an exception at EOF. (Pat Hunt via cutting) AVRO-4. Fix so that specific code generation works under Eclipse. (Pat Hunt via cutting) AVRO-14. Fix so that EOF is not thrown when one attempts to read an empty buffer. (sharad via cutting) AVRO-31. Fix Java package imports in generated specific classes. (sharad via cutting) AVRO-21. Default Java namespace from containing definition. (cutting) AVRO-12. Fix recursive schemas in Java so that equals() and hashCode() do not cause a stack overflow. (cutting) AVRO-22. When parsing schemas in Java, do not permit anonymous. (cutting) AVRO-39. Fix bug in Java record schema toString(). (sharad) AVRO-40. Fix typo in specfication, where 'unsigned' was used where 'signed' was intended. (cutting) AVRO-44. Fix so that 'ant clean' works even if C has not been built. (Matt Massie via cutting) AVRO-45. Fix c++ compliation so that python script need not be made executable. (Scott Banachowski via cutting) AVRO-51. Fix testio.py to exit correctly. (Philip Zeyliger via sharad) AVRO-55. Fix two spec document typos. (cutting) AVRO-69. Make C's install-sh script executable. (Matt Massie via cutting) AVRO-70. Add license header to json_schema.y. (Matt Massie via cutting) AVRO-74. Add missing license headers in C++. (cutting) AVRO-73. Workaround in python to fix simplejson bug on Mac OS. (sharad) AVRO-64. Fix socket and parser issue on Mac OS. (sharad) AVRO-77. Fix C unit tests on Mac OS. (Matt Massie via cutting)