avro::NullSchema Member List

This is the complete list of members for avro::NullSchema, including all inherited members.
compileJsonSchema(std::istream &is, ValidSchema &schema)avro::Schema [friend]
node_ (defined in avro::Schema)avro::Schema [protected]
NullSchema() (defined in avro::NullSchema)avro::NullSchema [inline]
root() const (defined in avro::Schema)avro::Schema [inline]
root() (defined in avro::Schema)avro::Schema [inline]
Schema() (defined in avro::Schema)avro::Schema [protected]
Schema(const NodePtr &node) (defined in avro::Schema)avro::Schema [explicit, protected]
Schema(Node *node) (defined in avro::Schema)avro::Schema [explicit, protected]
type() const (defined in avro::Schema)avro::Schema [inline]
~Schema() (defined in avro::Schema)avro::Schema [virtual]

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