JMX ===== JMX is a demonstration component used as part of the Merlin Tutorial, showing how to establish JMX for Merlin hosted components. Overview -------- We are using the simplest form of component, the Hello component, and adding an simple management interface, which allows to set the output string. * - the component source * block.xml - the container defintion Build ----- Build the project using the following command: $ maven The above command triggers the default goal jar:install which will create a jar file and copy it to your local Maven repository, named jmx-hello-1.0.jar. Runtime ------- To see Merlin in action $ merlin --offline conf/hello.block This will start the small HelloComponent and have it registered as a JMX MBean in the embedded MBeanServer. You can view the content by starting your favourite browser, and connect to; http://localhost:8082/ In there, you can locate the HelloComponent, set the output string and execute the sayHello() method.