PROJECT: Merlin 3.2-dev ==================================================================== DESCRIPTION: ------------ This directory contains the merlin system installation and related resources. /merlin /bin /config /ext /system README.TXT LICENSE.TXT INSTALLATION.TXT /plugins avalon-meta-plugin-1.2.jar merlin-plugin-3.2.1-dev.jar Installing Merlin. ------------------ To use Merlin command line support or the Merlin NT Service you will need to define the MERLIN_HOME environment variable for your system and include MERLIN_HOME/bin in your system path. The MERLIN_HOME environment variable should point to the merlin directory. Under Lunix you can do this as follows: $ echo ' > # set location of merlin > export MERLIN_HOME=/opt/merlin > # include it in the path > export PATH=$PATH:$MERLIN_HOME/bin > ' >> ~/.bash_profile $ source ~/.bash_profile Under Windows you can set environment variables by selecting the Environment Tab from the System Control Panel. Versions of Merlin prior to the 3.2-dev 20031210 build maintained a local repository of jar files under the %MERLIN_HOME%/repository directory. As of the 20031210 build the repository is maintained under AVALON_HOME which defaults to ${user.home}/.avalon. To override this behaviour you can either define a AVALON_HOME environment variable or you can add a file to ${user.home} containing the "merlin.repository" property key and a value point to you preferred repository location. To confirm that your environment variables are correct, you should open a new command window and invoke the Merlin CLI application. Under DOS: $ merlin -version Under Lunix: $ -version The installation of Merlin is now complete, however, two plugins are provided with the installation supporting merlin development under the Maven platform. These plugins should be placed in the Maven plugin directory (${maven.home.local}\plugins). [YOUR-MAVEN-HOME]\plugins\avalon-meta-plugin-1.2.jar [YOUR-MAVEN-HOME]\plugins\merlin-plugin-3.2.1-dev.jar Please note that if you are upgrading an existing installation you must delete the following two directories: [YOUR-MAVEN-HOME]\plugins\avalon-meta-plugin-* [YOUR-MAVEN-HOME]\plugins\merlin-plugin-* Replace the existing avalon-meta and merlin plugin jar files with the supplied versions. Finally, delete all *.cache files in the Maven plugin directory. You now have everything in place to start using the Merlin Tutorial or building you own components. If you have any problems, please subscribe and post a message to