Logkit - Whitepaper


Logging is an integral component to any software development project. During the development stages it offers a valuable source of debugging information for the developer. During deployment it can provide valuable operational data that allows administrators to diagnose problems as they arise. This whitepaper describes the design and implementation of LogKit.


LogKit, began life as a facade for a more complex logging toolkit. During development it was found that existing toolkits were complex and difficult to use. A malformed logger configuration file could cause the whole system to fail or the logging information to go into the void.

Over time it was discovered that the facade, while simple to use, inherited many of the faults of the underlying logging toolkit. The logging was slow and was impossible to dynamically reconfigure.

At this time the whole system was overhauled. Existing logging toolkits were surveyed and user feedback was gathered from both developers and administrators. The new toolkit focused on speed, reliability and dynamic reconfiguration. It then added, at that time unique features, for filtering log events, multiple listeners (aka LogTargets) per category and delayed serialization of events.

Structure and Elements

The most basic components of LogKit are the Logger, the LogEvent and the LogTarget. The Logger represents the client interface to the logging system. The developer interacts with Logger to generate LogEvents. The LogEvents are routed to a LogTarget. The LogTarget decides what to do with the LogEvent, usually it is recorded to a file, a database or transmitted over the network.


One of the advantages of a logging toolkit is fine grain control over which statements get printed. At some times during development you may wish to enable all logging statements and at other times they may wish to disable debug messages. It was from this need that the notion of of Priorities were born. A Priority describes the urgency of a LogEvent. Below is a list of priorities that are usable within the LogKit system (extracted from the constants of class org.apache.log.Priority).

  • DEBUG:
    Developer oriented messages, usually used during development of the product.
  • INFO:
    Useful information messages such as state changes, client connection, user login etc.
  • WARN:
    A problem or conflict has occurred but it may be recoverable, then again it could be the start of the system failing.
  • ERROR:
    A problem has occurred but it is not fatal. The system will still function.
    Something caused whole system to fail. This indicates that an administrator should restart the system and try to fix the problem that caused the failure.

The range of priorities is limited by design as past experience has indicated more levels do not offer any significant advantage to the user.

Each logger instance is associated with a Priority. This allows you to limit each logger so that it only displays messages greater than a certain priority. So if a DEBUG message occurred and the logger's priority was WARN, the LogEvent would be suppressed.

A user can log at a certain priority by calling a method with matching name and the message as a string. For instance to log at debug level you would call logger.debug("My Message"). Similar methods exist for info(), warn() and error(). There is also a set of similarly named methods that take both a message string and an exception.

Where performance is critical it is often useful to check if a priority is enabled before constructing the message. In many cases the construction of the message is an expensive string operation and conversion operation. In this case it is useful to know before you create the message whether it will be logged. The pattern of the method to check if a priority is enabled is "isPriorityEnabled()". An example use case is displayed below.

if( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
  //Construct a message (expensive operation)
  final String message = "Var1 value: " + var1 + "\tVar2 value: " + var2 +
                         "\tVar3 value: " + var3 + ".";
  logger.debug( message );


In a complex system it is often not enough to suppress logging based on priority. For instance you may wish to log the network subsystem with DEBUG priority while the simulator subsystem with WARN priority. To accomplish this LogKit uses a concept termed Categories. Categories, often called Channels, Subjects or Facilities, are a subdivision of the logging namespace.

Each category is a name, made up of name components separated by a ".". So a category named "network.interceptor.connected" is made up of three name components "network", "interceptor" and "connected", ordered from left to right. Every logger is associated with a category at creation.

LogKit takes it one step further and assumes that the namespace is hierarchical. The left-most name component is the most generic category while the right-most name component is the most specific. So "network.interceptor.connected" is a child category of "network.interceptor", which is in turn a child category of "network". There is also a root category "" that is hidden inside the org.apache.log.Hierarchy class.

The main reason for structuring logging namespace in a hierarchical manner is to allow inheritance. A logger will inherit it's parent priority if it has not been explicitly set. This allows you to set the "network" logger to have INFO priority and unless the "network.interceptor" has had it's priority set it will inherit the INFO priority.

Unlike other logging toolkits, there is no performance penalty for having deep hierarchies. Each logger caches a Priority to check against. When a logger has it's logger set or unset, it updates the cached version of it's child loggers.

Log Targets

In LogKit, LogTargets are the destination of LogEvents. Decoupling LogEvent generation from handling allows developers to change destinations of LogEvents dynamically or via configuration files. Possible destinations include writing to a database, a file, an IRC channel, a syslog server, an instant messaging client etc.

Like Priorities, it is often useful to allow LogTargets to be inherited between loggers. Like Priority inheritance, LogTarget inheritance does not suffer any runtime performance penalty.


Filters are a special kind of LogTarget. Instead of writing to an output destination they are used to filter out LogEvents or modify the LogEvents details and pass it on to another LogTarget.

This can be a useful feature when you assign multiple LogTargets to a logger. For instance you may add two LogTargets to a logger, one which writes LogEvents to a database and one which writes a message to the administrators pager. However you may want to record all messages to the database but only transmit FATAL_ERROR messages to pager. In this case you would use a PriorityFilter to filter out non-FATAL_ERROR messages for pager log target.


AsyncLogTarget is another kind of special LogTarget. It takes a log event and copies it into a queue so that another thread can actually write the LogEvent to another LogTarget. This is useful if logging to a particular LogTarget is a slow operation (such as a MailLogTarget).

Below is a snippet of code that creates an AsyncLogTarget to write messages in another thread.

LogTarget mySlowTarget = ...;
AsyncLogTarget asyncTarget = new AsyncLogTarget( mySlowTarget );
Thread thread = new Thread( asyncTarget );
thread.setPriority( Thread.MIN_PRIORITY );

logger.setLogTargets( new LogTarget[] { asyncTarget } );


LogTargets that write to a serial or unstructured store (ie filesystem or network based LogTargets) need some method to serialize the LogEvent before writing to the store. The most common way to serialize the LogEvent is to use a Formatter.

The Formatter interface takes a LogEvent and returns a String object. The most commonly use LogEvent is the PatternFormatter. The pattern formatter takes a format specifier that has a similar format to c's printf function.

The format specifier consists of a string containing raw text combined with pattern elements. Each pattern element has the generalized form "%[+|-]#.#{field:subformat}". The +|- indicates whether the pattern element should be left or right justified (defaults to left justified if unspecified). The #.# indicates the minimum and maximum size of output, if unspecified the output is neither padded nor truncated. 'field' indicates the field to be written and must be one of "category", "context", "message", "time", "rtime" (time relative to start of application), "throwable" or "priority". This parameter must be supplied and correlates to fields of LogEvent. 'subformat' is currently unused except in the case of "context" field. This is further discussed below.

Following is a number of examples for PatternFormatter's format specifier and actual output.

format: "%7.7{priority} %5.5{rtime} [%8.8{category}]: %{message}\n%{throwable}"
output: DEBUG   123   [network.]: This is a debug message

format: "%7.7{priority} %5.5{rtime} [%{category}]: %{message}\n"
output: DEBUG   123   [network.interceptor.connected]: This is a debug message
output: DEBUG   123   [network]: This is another debug message

format: "%7.7{priority} %5.5{rtime} [%10.{category}]: %{message}\n"
output: DEBUG   123   [network.interceptor.connected]: This is a debug message
output: DEBUG   123   [network   ]: This is another debug message

There is also ExtendedPatternFormatter that allows two extra fields, namely "method" and "thread". The "method" field attempts to determine the method that called the Logger method to generate the LogEvent. The "thread" field displays the name of the current thread.


In many systems you need to include extra information depending in logs that depends on information not included in the LogEvent. For instance the Formatters section described an ExtendedPatternFormatter that included information such as calling method and calling thread. Other contextual information that you may need to include in log files include user executing log statement, the network interface that the client component is listening to (ie vs, hostname (especially important on multihomed boxs) or source of LogEvent (useful when writing a centralized log server).

There are a number of strategies to deal with application specific contextual information. Some logging toolkits encourage extending the Logger, LogEvent and LogTargets while others encourage using application specific LogTargets. The way that LogKit solves this problem is by using a generic ContexMap object.

The ContextMap allows the user to store arbitrary objects using a string key. These objects can then be extracted by the LogTargets and used as appropriate. If you were using the PatternFormatter you could extract a value from ContextMap by specify the "context" field with it's subformat set to the appropriate key. Some examples are illustrated below.

format: "%7.7{priority} [%{context:hostname}]: %{message}\n"
output: DEBUG   [helm.realityforge.org]: This is a debug message

format: "%7.7{priority} [%{context:interface}]: %{message}\n"
output: DEBUG   []: This is logging about loopback interface
output: DEBUG   []: This is logging about internal network interface
output: DEBUG   []: This is logging about external network interface

format: "%7.7{priority} [%{context:user}]: %{message}\n"
output: DEBUG   [Barney Rubble]: This is a debug message

Warning: Older versions of LogKit also incorporated a ContextStack that offered hierarchical management of context. It was discovered that this design encouraged bad practices and thus use of this feature has been deprecated in favour of using ContextMap. The ContextStack is still accessible if users do not specify a subformat or specify the subformat "stack". However it is strongly advised that users do not use this feature as it will be removed in a future iteration.

When using a ContextMap you create the object and populate it using the set(key,value) method. After populating the ContextMap you call the method makeReadOnly(). This makes it impossible for hostile code to modify context in which logging occurs.

Then you need to associate the ContextMap with a thread by using ContextMap.bind( myContextMap ). The ContextMap is bound to a thread using java.lang.InheritableThreadLocal and thus maps are inherited between threads as specified by InheritableThreadLocal.

Below is an example of how a user can create and bind a ContextMap.

final ContextMap context = new ContextMap();
context.set( "user", "Fred Flinstone" );
context.set( "interface", myInterface );
context.set( "hostname", "helm.realityforge.org" );
context.set( "jvmid", myJvmId );

//bind new ContextMap to current thread and subthreads
ContextMap.bind( context );


One of the best ways to learn how to use a toolkit is to see an example in action. With that heres some example uses of LogKit. The first example is in a simple application while the next example is in a servlet. The servlet example demonstrates the usage of filters.

Logger logger = Hierarchy.getDefaultHierarchy().getLoggerFor("myCategory");
logger.setPriority( Priority.DEBUG );
logger.debug( "This is a debug message" );
//Create a Log filter that writes to servlet Containers log
//If priority greater than ERROR
PriorityFilter filter = new PriorityFilter(Priority.ERROR);
filter.addTarget( new ServletOutputLogTarget(context) );

String logName = getInitParameter("log-name");
if( null == logName ) logName = "myservlet.log";

final String path = context.getRealPath("/") + "/WEB-INF/logs/" + logName ;

//Create a logger to write to a file as specified
//with servlet init parameters
final String pattern = "%7.7{priority} %5.5{time}   [%8.8{category}] " +
                  "(%{context}): %{message}\\n%{throwable}";
final PatternFormatter formatter = new PatternFormatter( pattern );
final File file = new File( path );

//open file target in append mode
FileTarget target = new FileTarget( file, true, formatter );

//Create logger
myLogger = Hierarchy.getDefaultHierarchy().getLoggerFor("myServlet");

//Set log targets of logger
myLogger.setLogTargets( new LogTarget[] { target, filter } );

String logLevel = getInitParameter("log-priority");
if( null == logLevel ) logLevel = "DEBUG";

//Set log targets parameter based on init parameters
Priority priority = Priority.getPriorityForName( logLevel );
myLogger.setPriority( priority );


LogKit is a friendly, easy to use logging toolkit. It is high performing and easily integrated into existing products. By design it does not specify any configuration format but instead encourages users to integrate it into their existing products. It also is designed to run in a secure environment by limiting client access to hierarchies.

by Avalon Documentation Team