@ECHO OFF REM Setup the build file IF EXIST nant.build ( set BUILD_FILE=nant.build ) ELSE ( set BUILD_FILE=DynamicProxy.build ) REM Check for Mono install, update path to include mono libs IF EXIST %WINDIR%\monobasepath.bat ( CALL %WINDIR%\monobasepath.bat REM Remove quotes from path SET CLEAN_MONO_BASEPATH=!MONO_BASEPATH:"=! SET PATH="!CLEAN_MONO_BASEPATH!\bin\;!CLEAN_MONO_BASEPATH!\lib\;%path%" ) REM echo PATH is %PATH% nant.exe "-buildfile:%BUILD_FILE%" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 GOTO End REM ------------------------------------------ REM Expand a string to a full path REM ------------------------------------------ :FullPath set RESULT=%~f1 goto :EOF REM ------------------------------------------ REM Compute the current directory REM given a path to this batch script. REM ------------------------------------------ :ComputeBase set RESULT=%~dp1 REM Remove the trailing \ set RESULT=%RESULT:~0,-1% Call :FullPath %RESULT% goto :EOF :End ENDLOCAL EXIT /B 0