* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Apache.Avalon.Composition.Model.Default
using System;
using Apache.Avalon.Framework;
using Apache.Avalon.Repository;
using Apache.Avalon.Composition.Data;
using Apache.Avalon.Composition.Data.Builder;
/// A factory enabling the establishment of new composition model instances.
/// Avalon Development Team
/// $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/03/06 15:44:41 $
public class StandardModelFactory : IModelFactory
// static
private static readonly ContainmentProfileCreator CREATOR = new ContainmentProfileCreator();
// private static readonly ContainmentProfileBuilder BUILDER = new ContainmentProfileBuilder();
// immutable state
private ISystemContext m_system;
private ILogger m_logger;
// constructor
public StandardModelFactory(ISystemContext system)
if (system == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("system");
m_system = system;
m_logger = system.Logger;
// ModelFactory
private ILogger Logger
return m_logger;
/// Creation of a new root containment model using
/// a URL referring to a containment profile.
/// a composition profile source
/// the containment model
public virtual IContainmentModel CreateRootContainmentModel(System.Uri url)
return null;
// The code in the following if statement should not
// not be needed, however, when attempting to load a
// url the referenes an XML source document we get a
// SAXParseException with the message "Content not
// allowed in prolog." To get around this the if
// statement forces loading via the XML creator.
if (url.ToString().EndsWith(".xml"))
DefaultConfigurationBuilder builder = new DefaultConfigurationBuilder();
IConfiguration config = builder.build(url.ToString());
ContainmentProfile profile = CREATOR.createContainmentProfile(config);
return createRootContainmentModel(profile);
catch (ModelException e)
throw e;
catch (System.Exception e)
String error = "Could not create model due to a build related error.";
throw new ModelException(error, e);
// This should work but does not.
System.Net.HttpWebRequest connection = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest) System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url);
System.IO.Stream stream = connection.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
ContainmentProfile profile = BUILDER.createContainmentProfile(stream);
return createRootContainmentModel(profile);
catch (System.Exception e)
String error = "todo: error message"; //"factory.containment.create-url.error", url.ToString());
throw new ModelException(error, e);
/// Creation of a new root containment model using
/// a supplied profile.
/// a containment profile
/// the containment model
public virtual IContainmentModel CreateRootContainmentModel(ContainmentProfile profile)
IContainmentContext context = CreateRootContainmentContext(profile);
return CreateContainmentModel(context);
catch (System.Exception e)
String error = "factory.containment.create.error" + " " + profile.Name;
throw new ModelException(error, e);
/// Creation of a new nested deployment model. This method is called
/// by a container implementation when constructing model instances. The
/// factory is identified by its implementation typename.
/// a potentially foreign deployment context
/// the deployment model
public virtual IComponentModel CreateComponentModel(IComponentContext context)
return new DefaultComponentModel(context);
/// Creation of a new nested containment model. This method is called
/// by a container implementation when constructing model instances. The
/// factory is identified by its implementation typename.
/// a potentially foreign containment context
/// the containment model
public virtual IContainmentModel CreateContainmentModel(IContainmentContext context)
return new DefaultContainmentModel(context);
// implementation
/// Creation of a new root containment context.
/// a containment profile
/// the containment context
private IContainmentContext CreateRootContainmentContext(ContainmentProfile profile)
if (profile == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("profile");
ILogger logger = m_system.LoggingManager.GetLoggerForCategory("");
IRepository repository = m_system.Repository;
System.IO.FileInfo base_Renamed = m_system.BaseDirectory;
// ClassLoader root = m_system.getAPIClassLoader();
TypeLoaderDirective classLoaderDirective = profile.TypeLoaderDirective;
ITypeLoaderContext classLoaderContext = new DefaultTypeLoaderContext(logger,
repository, base_Renamed, classLoaderDirective);
ITypeLoaderModel classLoaderModel = new DefaultTypeLoaderModel(classLoaderContext);
return new DefaultContainmentContext(logger, m_system, classLoaderModel, null, null, profile);
catch (System.Exception e)
String error = "factory.containment.create.error" + " " + profile.Name;
throw new ModelException(error, e);