// Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
namespace Apache.Avalon.Composition.Data.Builder
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Apache.Avalon.Framework;
using Apache.Avalon.Composition.Data;
using Apache.Avalon.Meta;
/// Summary description for ComponentProfileCreator.
public class ComponentProfileCreator : ProfileCreator
public ComponentProfileCreator()
/// Creation of a ComponentProfile from an XML configuration.
/// the configuration instance describing the component deployment scenario
/// the deployment profile
public ComponentProfile CreateComponentProfile( IConfiguration config )
String typename = (String) config.GetAttribute( "type", null );
if( null == typename )
// String c = IConfigurationUtil.list( config );
String error =
"Missing 'type' attribute in component declaration:\n";// + c;
throw new ConfigurationException( error );
return CreateComponentProfile( null, typename, config );
/// Creation of a ComponentProfile from an XML configuration.
/// the default name
/// the name of the class identifying the underlying component type
/// the configuration describing the component deployment scenario
public ComponentProfile CreateComponentProfile( String baseName,
String classname, IConfiguration config )
String name = GetName( baseName, config, "untitled" );
return CreateComponentProfile( classname, config, name );
/// Creation of a ComponentProfile from an XML configuration.
/// the name of the class identifying the underlying component type
/// the configuration describing the component deployment scenario
/// the deployment profile
public ComponentProfile CreateComponentProfile(
String classname, IConfiguration config, String name )
ActivationPolicy activation = GetActivationPolicy( config, ActivationPolicy.Lazy );
CollectionPolicy collection = GetCollectionPolicy( config );
CategoriesDirective categories =
GetCategoriesDirective( config.GetChild( "categories", false ), name );
ContextDirective context =
GetContextDirective( config.GetChild( "context", false ) );
DependencyDirective[] dependencies =
GetDependencyDirectives( config.GetChild( "dependencies", false ) );
StageDirective[] stages =
GetStageDirectives( config.GetChild( "stages", false ) );
// Parameters params =
// getParameters( config.GetChild( "parameters", false ) );
IConfiguration configuration =
config.GetChild( "configuration", true );
return new ComponentProfile(
name, activation, collection, classname, categories, context, dependencies,
stages, configuration, Mode.Explicit );
/// Get the collection policy from a configuration. If the collection
/// policy is not declared a null is returned indicating that the collection
/// policy shall default to the component type collection policy.
/// a configuration fragment holding a collection attribute
/// policy
protected CollectionPolicy GetCollectionPolicy( IConfiguration config )
object collection = config.GetAttribute("collection", null);
if ( collection == null )
return CollectionPolicy.Liberal;
return (CollectionPolicy) Enum.Parse( typeof(CollectionPolicy),
collection.ToString(), true );
protected DependencyDirective[] GetDependencyDirectives( IConfiguration config )
if( config != null )
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
ConfigurationCollection deps = config.GetChildren( "dependency" );
foreach(IConfiguration dep in deps)
list.Add( GetDependencyDirective( dep ) );
return (DependencyDirective[]) list.ToArray( typeof(DependencyDirective) );
return new DependencyDirective[0];
protected DependencyDirective GetDependencyDirective( IConfiguration config )
String key = (String) config.GetAttribute( "key", null );
String source = (String) config.GetAttribute( "source", null );
if( source != null )
return new DependencyDirective( key, source );
ConfigurationCollection children = config.GetChildren( "select" );
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach( IConfiguration child in children )
list.Add( GetSelectionDirective( child ) );
SelectionDirective[] features =
(SelectionDirective[]) list.ToArray( typeof(SelectionDirective) );
return new DependencyDirective( key, features );
protected StageDirective[] GetStageDirectives( IConfiguration config )
if( config != null )
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
ConfigurationCollection deps = config.GetChildren( "stage" );
foreach( IConfiguration dep in deps )
list.Add( GetStageDirective( dep ) );
return (StageDirective[]) list.ToArray( typeof(StageDirective) );
return new StageDirective[0];
protected StageDirective GetStageDirective( IConfiguration config )
String key = (String) config.GetAttribute( "key", null );
String source = (String) config.GetAttribute( "source", null );
if( source != null )
return new StageDirective( key, source );
ConfigurationCollection children = config.GetChildren( "select" );
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach( IConfiguration child in children )
list.Add( GetSelectionDirective( child ) );
SelectionDirective[] features =
(SelectionDirective[]) list.ToArray( typeof(SelectionDirective) );
return new StageDirective( key, features );
protected SelectionDirective GetSelectionDirective( IConfiguration config )
String feature = (String) config.GetAttribute( "feature", null );
String value = (String) config.GetAttribute( "value", null );
String match = (String) config.GetAttribute( "match", "required" );
bool optional = (bool) config.GetAttribute( "optional", typeof(bool), false );
return new SelectionDirective( feature, value, match, optional );
/*protected Parameters getParameters( IConfiguration config )
throws ConfigurationException
if( config != null )
return Parameters.fromIConfiguration( config );
return null;
/// Utility method to create a new context directive.
/// the context directive configuration
/// the context directive
public ContextDirective GetContextDirective( IConfiguration config )
if( config == null )
return new ContextDirective( null );
String classname = (String) config.GetAttribute( "type", null );
String source = (String) config.GetAttribute( "source", null );
EntryDirective[] entries = GetEntries( config.GetChildren( "entry" ) );
return new ContextDirective( classname, entries, source );
/// Utility method to create a set of entry directives.
/// configs the entry directive configurations
/// the entry directives
protected EntryDirective[] GetEntries( ConfigurationCollection configs )
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach( IConfiguration conf in configs )
String key = (String) conf.GetAttribute( "key", null );
ConfigurationCollection children = conf.Children;
if( children.Count != 1 )
String error =
"Entry '" + key + "' does not contain one child element.";
throw new ConfigurationException( error );
IConfiguration child = children[0];
String name = child.Name;
if( name.Equals( "import" ) )
String importKey = (String) child.GetAttribute( "key", null );
list.Add( new ImportDirective( key, importKey ) );
else if( name.Equals( "constructor" ) )
String classname = (String)
child.GetAttribute( "type", typeof(String) );
IConfiguration[] paramsConf = child.GetChildren( "param" );
if( paramsConf.Length > 0 )
Parameter[] params = getParameters( paramsConf );
ConstructorDirective constructor =
new ConstructorDirective( key, classname, params );
list.add( constructor );
// else
ConstructorDirective constructor =
new ConstructorDirective(
key, classname, (String) child.Value );
list.Add( constructor );
String error =
"Entry child unrecognized: " + name;
throw new ConfigurationException( error );
return (EntryDirective[])list.ToArray( typeof(EntryDirective) );
* Utility method to create a set of parameter directive.
* @param configs the parameter directive configurations
* @return the parameter directives
* @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurs
protected Parameter[] getParameters( IConfiguration[] configs )
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
for( int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++ )
Parameter parameter = getParameter( configs[ i ] );
list.add( parameter );
return (Parameter[])list.toArray( new Parameter[ 0 ] );
* Utility method to create a new parameter directive.
* @param config the parameter directive configuration
* @return the parameter directive
* @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurs
protected Parameter getParameter( IConfiguration config )
String classname = config.getAttribute( "class", "java.lang.String" );
IConfiguration[] params = config.GetChildren( "param" );
if( params.length == 0 )
String value = config.getValue( null );
return new Parameter( classname, value );
Parameter[] parameters = getParameters( params );
return new Parameter( classname, parameters );