// Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
namespace Apache.Avalon.Activation.Default
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Apache.Avalon.Framework;
using Apache.Avalon.Composition.Model;
/// Summary description for DefaultLookupManager.
public class DefaultLookupManager : ILookupManager
// immutable state
private IComponentModel m_model;
private ILogger m_logger;
/// A table of identity hashcode integers of established objects
/// that map to the lookup key that was uased to establish the object.
/// Used to track which model is providing an object when we
/// handle release of objects.
private Hashtable m_table = new Hashtable();
/// A table of dependency models keyed by lookup key.
private Hashtable m_map;
/// Construct a new ServiceManager.
/// component model of the component that is to be services
public DefaultLookupManager( IComponentModel model )
if( model == null )
throw new ArgumentNullException( "model" );
m_model = model;
m_logger = model.Logger;
m_map = new Hashtable();
IDependencyModel[] dependencies = model.DependencyModels;
foreach(IDependencyModel dependency in dependencies)
String key = dependency.Dependency.Key;
m_map[ key ] = dependency;
#region ILookupManager Members
public object this[string role]
if( role == null )
throw new ArgumentNullException( "role" );
if( !Contains( role ) )
String error = "Unknown key: " + role;
throw new LookupException( role, error );
// locate the provider model that is prividing components
// for this dependency
IDependencyModel dependency = (IDependencyModel) m_map[ role ];
IDeploymentModel provider = dependency.Provider;
if( null == provider )
String error = "service.error.null-provider " + role;
throw new ApplicationException( error );
// get a proxy to the service from the provider
// (note that it is up to a provider to determine if
// a proxy if generated based on its service export
// parameters)
Object instance = provider.Resolve();
// otherwise we need to hold a reference linking the
// object with the source provider
String id = "" + instance.GetHashCode();
m_table[ id ] = role;
if( Logger.IsDebugEnabled )
String message = "resolved service ["
+ id
+ "] for the role ["
+ role
+ "].";
Logger.Debug( message );
return instance;
catch( Exception e )
// TODO: framework states that ServiceException is thrown
// if the service is not found - and in this case that isn't
// the issue - in effect we have a good key, but we simply
// have not been able to go from key to instance -
// should look into some more concrete subtypes of
// ServiceException
String error = "Unexpected runtime error while attempting to resolve service for key: " + role;
throw new FatalServiceException( role, error, e );
public void Release(object instance)
if( instance == null ) return;
// otherwise we need to locate the source ourselves
String id = "" + instance.GetHashCode();
String key = (String) m_table[ id ];
if( key == null )
if( Logger.IsWarnEnabled )
String warning =
"Unrecognized object identity ["
+ id
+ "]. "
+ "Either this object was not provided by this service manager "
+ "or it has already been released.";
Logger.Warn( warning );
IDependencyModel dependency = (IDependencyModel) m_map[ key ];
IDeploymentModel provider = dependency.Provider;
if( provider == null )
if( Logger.IsErrorEnabled )
String error =
"Unable to release component as no provider could be found for the key ["
+ key
+ "].";
Logger.Warn( error );
provider.Release( instance );
if( Logger.IsDebugEnabled )
String message =
"released service ["
+ id
+ "] from the key ["
+ key
+ "].";
Logger.Debug( message );
m_table.Remove( id );
public bool Contains(string role)
if( role == null )
return false;
return m_map.Contains( role );
private ILogger Logger
return m_logger;