The metro tree contains code dealing with the refactoring of the existing 3.3.0 codebase to enable the establishment of the repository management subsystem as a top-level plugin controller capable of launching and running the merlin, magic or anything other system. The code structure and content is described below: metro/transit The transit main package includes a bootstrapping system supporting initialiozation of transit from the command line, from ant, and classic embedding scenarios. The code includes the repository APIs, controller interface, repository monitors, and the basic code code of the repository loading utility. The implementation has a weak dependency on the transit plugin which in turn is used to establish the fully functional transit kernel. The transit/plugin is a plugin implementation that is the transit plugin controller. It is establish by transit/main and is responsible for the management of the execution of a single target plugin (the application). The objective is to enable the execution of a target application such as merlin or magic by delegating command line arguments through the boostrap and controller to the target. The net result will be the elimination of repository and classloader managment code in both merlin and magic and the elimination of logging system concerns from the merlin system. metro/util The util package is derived from the avalon-util pacakages with some degree of rationalization. The Env content has been folded into the transit main package and the crieteria, defauolts, exception and i18n packages are setup under the metro namespace and used in conjunction with the transit plugin controller implementation. metro/runtime/logging/ Responsibility for the establishment of a logging system has been moved from the deplioyed plugion to the plugin controller. The code in this section is based on the 3.3.0 runtime/logging package with changes to synchronize with the transit plugin model. The logkit plugin has been rationalized through folding together of current logkit with the logging logkit plugin classes together with strict sepatation of target subsystem as sub-plugin plugins. In addition the logigng factory critera have been separated into a shared library and the Log4J plugin has been updated to support the transit plugin model. metro/configuration Refactoring of the framework configration and util-configuration into a api and impl package under a new package namespace. The different is primarily related to the frequent use of configuration models outside of a fomal component scenario and the need to redefine the error handling model without the restrictions implied by framework. metro/runtime/extension Code is basically a direct fork of the util-extension poackage placed here as this needs to be follded into the transit package, enabling the elimination of any classloading management from managed applications. Examples: The following example shows how metro can be used to simply download an artifact to the local cache: $ metro -get artifact:saxon/saxon#6.5.3 -overwrite The following example demonstrates a request for the controler to download and run a plugin: $ metro -load artifact:metro/transit/metro-transit-demo#SNAPSHOT -execute [INFO ] (metro): Hello. Both examples assume that you have a properties file named that includes the property metro.hosts with a comma separated list of remote repositories from which respective resources can be resolved. There are also a bunch of metro.initial.* properties that define the initial boostrap cache, hosts, proxy setting etc. detailed in the InitialContext interface class. THe environment variable METRO_HOME is used which is simper to Magic in that the default cache is %METRO_HOME%/main. To-be-done: Some refactoring of the plugin class to more cleanly separate 'get' versus 'load' objectives, the addition of a telnet controller (in particular the ability to reload plugins), and improvements to the repository model to include host policies in the basic apis. From there its basically a question of adding functionality into the plugin realted to security, policy management, etc.