# # Banner background and foreground colors. # maven.ui.banner.background = #fff maven.ui.banner.foreground = #000 maven.xdoc.jsl = ./xdocs/site.jsl maven.javadoc.stylesheet xdocs/stylesheet.css maven.xdoc.poweredby.image = maven.license.licenseFile" = LICENSE.txt # # manifest supplimentary entries # pom.organization.identifier = ASF pom.specificationVersion = 1.0 # # Declaration of the remote links to assign on javadoc generation. # Link declarations can be overriden in the user's build.properties # file. # sun.j2se.link = http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/api/ avalon.framework.link = http://avalon.apache.org/framework/api/ maven.javadoc.links = ${sun.j2se.link},${avalon.framework.link} # # custom tags spec # maven.javadoc.customtags = component service component.name = avalon.component component.description = Component: component.enabled = true component.scope = class service.name = avalon.service service.description = Service Export: service.enabled = true service.scope = class