Generates meta info descriptors for service and component types
based on javadoc tags within the java source files. Source files
are scanned for the presence of an @avalon.version tag and if
present, a meta descriptor is generated. If the version tag is
within an interface defintion, a new Service defintion is created
otherwise a Type defintion is created.
Meta info generation process includes:
Scan source files for avalon.meta tags
Build Type and Service descriptors
Externalize descriptors to serial or xml format
Resulting meta info descriptors are placed int the ${basedir}/target/src directory. Typical application scenario is to define a preGoal to handle meta-info generation under the maven.xml file and inclusion of the output meta info under the project.xml jar resources.
maven.xml example
<project default="jar:jar">
<preGoal name="jar:jar">
<attainGoal name="merlin:meta"/>
project.xml example
<!-- other stuff -->
<!-- more stuff -->
<!-- include the generated metainfo descriptors into you jar file -->