
CCM Terminology Mapping

Merlin is an implementation of a component management platform. CCM is the CORBA Component Model specification. The following table compares CCM notions with the corresponding notions within Merlin.

CCM Merlin
component type however, a type does not currently declare event production
basic component Type without dependencies (context or service dependencies)
home appliance
naming scope partition
receptacle service manager
"uses" IDL statement type dependency declaration
configuration equivalent to the complete lifecycle processing phase
configuration_complete equivalent to initialization

CCM Notes

General notes concerning the feasibility of supporting CCM are detailed below.

navigation CCM provides a mechanisms support service navigation. In CCM terms this corresponds to the ability of a client to navigate from a Facet (service) to other facets exposed by the componet equivalent interface. This functionality can be viewed as a "inversion of control" issue, however in practive it is equivalent to the exposure of a service along with the ability to allow a client to navigate to other services exposed by the same component type.
connection A connection is defined in CCM as operations on a component which is consitent with a type dependency declaration. A CCM component generated from a Type would expose operations supporting connection and disconnection relative to named connection roles.