Apache HiveMind moved into the Attic in April 2009. HiveMind was a services and configuration microkernel. Its features are also referred to as Inversion of Control (IoC) Container or Lightweight Container. Closely linked to Tapestry 4, it lost activity when Tapestry 5 moved to a new IoC container.

Read-only Resource Link(s)
Website hivemind.apache.org/
Mailing List Archives dev | commits | user
Issue Tracker JIRA
Wiki wiki.apache.org/hivemind/
Source Code (Subversion) svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hivemind/
Board Reports Minutes
Downloads archive.apache.org/dist/hivemind/ | KEYS

Discussion on the mailing list indicated that Tapestry IoC was the natural successor to HiveMind.

As with any project in the Attic - if you should choose to fork HiveMind outside of Apache, please let us know so we can link to your project.

One fork that has been created is Gaderian at http://gaderian.ops4j.org/.