
The Apache AriesTM performance benchmark sample provides a suite of Apache developed workloads for characterizing performance of an Aries enabled Java EE Application Server. The workloads consist of an end-to-end web application and a set of primitives. The applications are a collection of Java classes, Java Servlets, Java Server Pages, and blueprint beans built to open OSGi and Java EE APIs. Together these provide versatile and portable test cases that can be used to measure aspects of scalability and performance.

There are multiple OSGi bundles that comprise the application. Some of these OSGi bundles expose blueprint beans and services. Others expose just interface classes or implement persistence beans. The Web bundle is a Web Application Bundle (WAB) and consists of the web user interface entities. The relationships above represent dependencies on packages that are exported from the various bundles. Additional groupings of Persistence bundles exposing different TradeServices implementations and bean implementations can be added as appropriate to support different persistence modes.
AriesTrader is the Aries end-to-end benchmark and performance sample application. The new AriesTrader benchmark has been derived from the Apache Geronimo DayTrader sample with significant modifications to reorganize the code into multiple OSGi bundles and to leverage the Aries programming model. It is leverage portions of the application-focused specifications defined by the OSGi Alliance Enterprise Expert Group (EEG) as implemented and extended in Apache Aries. This provides a real world workload for driving implementations of Aries enabled application servers.

The Primitives provide a set of workloads to individually test various components of an Aries enabled Application Server. The primitives leverage portions of the AriesTrader application infrastructure to test specific Java EE components such as the servlet engine, JSP support, and more.
Additional overview information is included in the FAQ