Title: Index # Apache Aries The Aries project delivers a set of pluggable Java components enabling an enterprise OSGi application programming model. This includes implementations and extensions of application-focused specifications defined by the OSGi Alliance Enterprise Expert Group (EEG) and an assembly format for multi-bundle applications, for deployment to a variety of OSGi based runtimes. The OSGi R4 V4.2 Enterprise Specification can be found here: [http://www.osgi.org/Download/Release4V42](http://www.osgi.org/Download/Release4V42) To understand the complete scope of the Aries project, see the Aries proposal document on the [incubator wiki](http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AriesProposal) . ## Breaking news!!! On 15th December 2010, Aries has graduated from the Incubator and is now a Top Level Project at the ASF. Congratulations to everyone in the Aries community in achieving this milestone. ## Building and Using Aries Components To understand how to _use_ Aries components, take a look at the [BlueprintHelloWorldTutorial](blueprinthelloworldtutorial.html) pages which guides you through how to build the Aries code, provides sample applications and describes how to set up an environment in which to run the consuming application. Aries provides enterprise OSGi componentry such as the Blueprint container and projects to integrate enterprise technologies such as JTA, JNDI and JPA into an OSGi environment to make these available to OSGi bundles. Some Aries components, such as the Aries Blueprint container, require nothing more than an OSGi framework (such as Equinox or Felix) to run on; others are intended to be integrated into application server or integration runtimes such as ServiceMix or Geronimo. Continuous builds of Aries are available for download from [http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/view/Aries/](http://hudson.zones.apache.org/hudson/view/Aries/)