The Subsystems subproject uses some unreleased and difficult to find equinox artifacts. There's a profile to download them automatically like this: mvn clean install -Pfetch-external The normal build is now in the default profile so if you are running any other profiles you will need mvn clean install -Pdefault, PLEASE if you change the version of these jars used in subsystems UPDATE THE DOWNLOAD INFO in the subsystem root pom. The downloader is from here: ADDENDUM In order to use the downloader, you must do svn co maven-external-dependency-plugin then run "mvn install" from the maven-external-dependency-plugin directory so that it is accessible from your local m2 repository before running mvn clean install -Pfetch-external from the subsystem project. If successful, you must the also run mvn clean install -Pdefault from the aries/subsystem directory. Additionally, you will need dependencies in your local m2 repository obtained from executing "mvn clean install" from the aries/util/util and aries/application directories.