
Configuration format for Archiva (Maven Repository Manager).



No description.

Element Type Description
version String This is the version of the configuration format.
repositories/repository* List<V1RepositoryConfiguration> (Many) @deprecated use managedRepositories or remoteRepositories instead.
repositoryGroups/repositoryGroup* List<RepositoryGroupConfiguration> (Many) The list of repository groups.
managedRepositories/managedRepository* List<ManagedRepositoryConfiguration> (Many) The list of repositories that this archiva instance uses.
remoteRepositories/remoteRepository* List<RemoteRepositoryConfiguration> (Many) The list of repositories that this archiva can retrieve from or publish to.
proxyConnectors/proxyConnector* List<ProxyConnectorConfiguration> (Many) The list of proxy connectors for this archiva instance.
networkProxies/networkProxy* List<NetworkProxyConfiguration> (Many) The list of network proxies to use for outgoing requests.
legacyArtifactPaths/legacyArtifactPath* List<LegacyArtifactPath> (Many) The list of custom legacy path to artifact.
repositoryScanning RepositoryScanningConfiguration The repository scanning configuration.
webapp WebappConfiguration The webapp configuration.
organisationInfo OrganisationInformation The organisation info.
networkConfiguration NetworkConfiguration The NetworkConfiguration .
redbackRuntimeConfiguration RedbackRuntimeConfiguration The RedbackRuntimeConfiguration.
archivaRuntimeConfiguration ArchivaRuntimeConfiguration The ArchivaRuntimeConfiguration.
proxyConnectorRuleConfigurations/proxyConnectorRuleConfiguration* List<ProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration> (Many) The list of ProxyConnectorRuleConfigurations.


No description.

Element Type Description
url String The URL for this repository.
indexed boolean No description.
Default value is: false.
location String The file system location for this repository.
releases boolean True if this repository contains release versioned artifacts.
Default value is: true.
blockRedeployments boolean True if re-deployment of artifacts already in the repository will be blocked.
Default value is: false.
snapshots boolean True if this repository contains snapshot versioned artifacts.
Default value is: false.
scanned boolean True if this repository should be scanned and processed.
Default value is: true.
refreshCronExpression String When to run the refresh task. Default is every hour
Default value is: 0 0 * * * ?.
retentionCount int The total count of the artifact to be retained for each snapshot.
Default value is: 2.
daysOlder int The number of days old which will be the basis for removing a snapshot.
Default value is: 100.
deleteReleasedSnapshots boolean True if the released snapshots are to be removed from the repo during repository purge.
Default value is: false.
skipPackedIndexCreation boolean True to not generate packed index (note you won't be able to export your index.
Default value is: false.
stageRepoNeeded boolean Need a staging repository
Default value is: false.
id String The repository identifier.
name String The descriptive name of the repository.
layout String The layout of the repository. Valid values are "default" and "legacy".
Default value is: default.
indexDir String The directory for the indexes of this repository.
description String The description of this repository.


No description.

Element Type Description
id String The id of the repository group.
mergedIndexPath String The path of the merged index.
Default value is: /.indexer.
mergedIndexTtl int The time to live of the merged index of the repository group.
Default value is: 30.
repositories/repository* List<String> (Many) The list of repository ids under the group.


No description.

Element Type Description
location String The file system location for this repository.
releases boolean True if this repository contains release versioned artifacts.
Default value is: true.
blockRedeployments boolean True if re-deployment of artifacts already in the repository will be blocked.
Default value is: false.
snapshots boolean True if this repository contains snapshot versioned artifacts.
Default value is: false.
scanned boolean True if this repository should be scanned and processed.
Default value is: true.
refreshCronExpression String When to run the refresh task. Default is every hour
Default value is: 0 0 * * * ?.
retentionCount int The total count of the artifact to be retained for each snapshot.
Default value is: 2.
daysOlder int The number of days old which will be the basis for removing a snapshot.
Default value is: 100.
deleteReleasedSnapshots boolean True if the released snapshots are to be removed from the repo during repository purge.
Default value is: false.
skipPackedIndexCreation boolean True to not generate packed index (note you won't be able to export your index.
Default value is: false.
stageRepoNeeded boolean Need a staging repository
Default value is: false.
id String The repository identifier.
name String The descriptive name of the repository.
layout String The layout of the repository. Valid values are "default" and "legacy".
Default value is: default.
indexDir String The directory for the indexes of this repository.
description String The description of this repository.


No description.

Element Type Description
url String The URL for this repository.
username String The Username for this repository.
password String The Password for this repository.
timeout int Timeout in seconds for connections to this repository
Default value is: 60.
refreshCronExpression String When to run the refresh task. Default is every sunday at 8H00.
Default value is: 0 0 08 ? * SUN.
downloadRemoteIndex boolean Activate download of remote index if remoteIndexUrl is set too.
Default value is: false.
remoteIndexUrl String Remote Index Url : if not starting with http will be relative to the remote repository url.
remoteDownloadNetworkProxyId String Id of the networkProxy to use when downloading remote index.
remoteDownloadTimeout int Timeout in seconds for download remote index. Default is more long than artifact download.
Default value is: 300.
downloadRemoteIndexOnStartup boolean Schedule download of remote index when archiva start
Default value is: false.
extraParameters/extraParameter* Map (Many) Additionnal request parameters to add to url when requesting remote repositories.
extraHeaders/extraHeader* Map (Many) Additionnal http headers to add to url when requesting remote repositories.
id String The repository identifier.
name String The descriptive name of the repository.
layout String The layout of the repository. Valid values are "default" and "legacy".
Default value is: default.
indexDir String The directory for the indexes of this repository.
description String The description of this repository.


No description.

Element Type Description
order int The order of the proxy connectors. (0 means no order specified)
Default value is: 0.
sourceRepoId String The Repository Source for this connector.
targetRepoId String The Repository Target for this connector.
proxyId String The network proxy ID to use for this connector.
blackListPatterns/blackListPattern* List<String> (Many) The list of blacklisted patterns for this connector.
whiteListPatterns/whiteListPattern* List<String> (Many) The list of whitelisted patterns for this connector.
policies/policy* Map (Many) Policy configuration for the connector.
properties/property* Map (Many) Configuration for the connector.
disabled boolean If the the repository proxy connector is disabled or not
Default value is: false.


No description.

Element Type Description
id String The ID for this proxy.
protocol String The network protocol to use with this proxy: "http", "socks-4"
Default value is: http.
host String The proxy host.
port int The proxy port.
Default value is: 8080.
username String The proxy user.
password String The proxy password.
useNtlm boolean Use ntlm authentification.
Default value is: false.


No description.

Element Type Description
path String The legacy path.
artifact String The artifact reference, as " [groupId] : [artifactId] : [version] : [classifier] : [type] ".


No description.

Element Type Description
fileTypes/fileType* List<FileType> (Many) The FileTypes for the repository scanning configuration.
knownContentConsumers/knownContentConsumer* List<String> (Many) The list of active consumers IDs for known content.
invalidContentConsumers/invalidContentConsumer* List<String> (Many) The list of active consumer IDs for invalid content.


The FileType object

Element Type Description
id String No description.
patterns/pattern* List<String> (Many) No description.


The webapp configuration settings.

Element Type Description
ui UserInterfaceOptions options for altering the ui presentation


The user interface configuration settings.

Element Type Description
showFindArtifacts boolean true if find artifacts should be enabled
Default value is: true.
appletFindEnabled boolean true if applet behavior for find artifacts should be enabled
Default value is: true.
disableEasterEggs boolean No description.
Default value is: false.
applicationUrl String No description.
disableRegistration boolean No description.
Default value is: false.


The organisation information settings.

Element Type Description
name String name of the organisation
url String name of the organisation
logoLocation String name of the organisation


The network configuration for external http request to repositories.

Element Type Description
maxTotal int maximum total external http connections.
Default value is: 30.
maxTotalPerHost int maximum total external http connections per host
Default value is: 30.
usePooling boolean use or not http connection pooling default true
Default value is: true.


The runtime configuration.

Element Type Description
migratedFromRedbackConfiguration boolean flag to know if redback configuration has been checked/migrated.
Default value is: false.
userManagerImpls/userManagerImpl* List<String> (Many) The user manager impls to use.
rbacManagerImpls/rbacManagerImpl* List<String> (Many) The RBAC Manager impls to use.
ldapConfiguration LdapConfiguration the ldap configuration
ldapGroupMappings/ldapGroupMapping* List<LdapGroupMapping> (Many) LdapGroupMappings
configurationProperties/configurationProperty* Map (Many) extra properties for redback configuration. String/String
useUsersCache boolean flag to know if redback will use a cache to prevent searching users already found.
Default value is: true.
usersCacheConfiguration CacheConfiguration the users cache configuration


The LDAP configuration.

Element Type Description
hostName String The LDAP host.
port int The LDAP port.
Default value is: 0.
ssl boolean ssl LDAP connection.
Default value is: false.
baseDn String The LDAP base dn.
baseGroupsDn String The LDAP base dn for groups (if empty baseDn is used).
contextFactory String contextFactory to use.
bindDn String The LDAP bind dn.
password String The LDAP password.
authenticationMethod String The LDAP authenticationMethod.
bindAuthenticatorEnabled boolean The LDAP authenticator enabled.
Default value is: false.
writable boolean LDAP writable.
Default value is: false.
useRoleNameAsGroup boolean Will use role name as LDAP group.
Default value is: false.
extraProperties/extraProperty* Map (Many) Additionnal properties to use for ldap connection.


configuration of a LDAP group to Archiva roles

Element Type Description
group String LDAP Group
roleNames/roleName* List<String> (Many) Archiva roles.


Cache configuration.

Element Type Description
timeToIdleSeconds int TimeToIdleSeconds
Default value is: -1.
timeToLiveSeconds int TimeToLiveSeconds
Default value is: -1.
maxElementsInMemory int max elements in memory
Default value is: -1.
maxElementsOnDisk int max elements on disk
Default value is: -1.


The runtime configuration.

Element Type Description
urlFailureCacheConfiguration CacheConfiguration the url failure cache configuration


Cache configuration.

Element Type Description
timeToIdleSeconds int TimeToIdleSeconds
Default value is: -1.
timeToLiveSeconds int TimeToLiveSeconds
Default value is: -1.
maxElementsInMemory int max elements in memory
Default value is: -1.
maxElementsOnDisk int max elements on disk
Default value is: -1.


No description.

Element Type Description
ruleType String The type if this rule: whiteList, blackList etc..
pattern String The pattern for this rule: whiteList, blackList etc..
proxyConnectors/proxyConnector* List<ProxyConnectorConfiguration> (Many) Associated proxyConnectors configuration.