configuration Configuration Configuration format for Archiva (Maven Repository Manager). package org.apache.archiva.configuration Configuration 1.0.0+ version 1.0.0+ String true This is the version of the configuration format. @deprecated use managedRepositories or remoteRepositories instead. repositories 1.0.0+ V1RepositoryConfiguration * repositoryGroups 1.2.0+ RepositoryGroupConfiguration * The list of repository groups. managedRepositories 1.0.0+ ManagedRepositoryConfiguration * The list of repositories that this archiva instance uses. remoteRepositories 1.0.0+ RemoteRepositoryConfiguration * The list of repositories that this archiva can retrieve from or publish to. proxyConnectors 1.0.0+ ProxyConnectorConfiguration * The list of proxy connectors for this archiva instance. networkProxies 1.0.0+ NetworkProxyConfiguration * The list of network proxies to use for outgoing requests. legacyArtifactPaths 1.1.0+ LegacyArtifactPath * The list of custom legacy path to artifact. repositoryScanning 1.0.0+ RepositoryScanningConfiguration 1 The repository scanning configuration. webapp 1.0.0+ WebappConfiguration 1 The webapp configuration. organisationInfo 1.1.0+ OrganisationInformation 1 The organisation info. networkConfiguration 1.4.0+ NetworkConfiguration 1 The NetworkConfiguration . redbackRuntimeConfiguration 1.4.0+ RedbackRuntimeConfiguration 1 The RedbackRuntimeConfiguration. archivaRuntimeConfiguration 1.4.0+ ArchivaRuntimeConfiguration 1 The ArchivaRuntimeConfiguration. proxyConnectorRuleConfigurations 1.4.0+ ProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration * The list of ProxyConnectorRuleConfigurations. 1.2.0+ > repositoryToGroupMap; public java.util.Map> getRepositoryToGroupMap() { if ( repositoryGroups != null ) { java.util.Map> map = new java.util.HashMap>(); for ( RepositoryGroupConfiguration group : (java.util.List) repositoryGroups ) { for ( String repositoryId : (java.util.List) group.getRepositories() ) { java.util.List groups = map.get( repositoryId ); if ( groups == null ) { groups = new java.util.ArrayList(); map.put( repositoryId, groups ); } groups.add( group.getId() ); } } repositoryToGroupMap = map; } return repositoryToGroupMap; } public java.util.Map getRepositoryGroupsAsMap() { java.util.Map map = new java.util.HashMap(); if ( repositoryGroups != null ) { for ( RepositoryGroupConfiguration group : (java.util.List) repositoryGroups ) { map.put( group.getId(), group ); } } return map; } public RepositoryGroupConfiguration findRepositoryGroupById( String id ) { if ( repositoryGroups != null ) { for ( RepositoryGroupConfiguration group : (java.util.List) repositoryGroups ) { if ( group.getId().equals( id ) ) { return group; } } } return null; } private java.util.Map> groupToRepositoryMap; public java.util.Map> getGroupToRepositoryMap() { if ( repositoryGroups != null && managedRepositories != null ) { java.util.Map> map = new java.util.HashMap>(); for ( ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repo : (java.util.List) managedRepositories ) { for ( RepositoryGroupConfiguration group : (java.util.List) repositoryGroups ) { if ( !group.getRepositories().contains( repo.getId() ) ) { String groupId = group.getId(); java.util.List repos = map.get( groupId ); if ( repos == null ) { repos = new java.util.ArrayList(); map.put( groupId, repos ); } repos.add( repo.getId() ); } } } groupToRepositoryMap = map; } return groupToRepositoryMap; } ]]> 1.0.0+ getNetworkProxiesAsMap() { java.util.Map map = new java.util.HashMap(); if ( networkProxies != null ) { for ( java.util.Iterator i = networkProxies.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { NetworkProxyConfiguration proxy =; map.put( proxy.getId(), proxy ); } } return map; } public java.util.Map> getProxyConnectorAsMap() { java.util.Map> proxyConnectorMap = new java.util.HashMap>(); if( proxyConnectors != null ) { java.util.Iterator it = proxyConnectors.iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { ProxyConnectorConfiguration proxyConfig =; String key = proxyConfig.getSourceRepoId(); java.util.List connectors = proxyConnectorMap.get( key ); if ( connectors == null ) { connectors = new java.util.ArrayList(); proxyConnectorMap.put( key, connectors ); } connectors.add( proxyConfig ); java.util.Collections.sort( connectors, org.apache.archiva.configuration.functors.ProxyConnectorConfigurationOrderComparator.getInstance() ); } } return proxyConnectorMap; } public java.util.Map getRemoteRepositoriesAsMap() { java.util.Map map = new java.util.HashMap(); if ( remoteRepositories != null ) { for ( java.util.Iterator i = remoteRepositories.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { RemoteRepositoryConfiguration repo =; map.put( repo.getId(), repo ); } } return map; } public RemoteRepositoryConfiguration findRemoteRepositoryById( String id ) { if ( remoteRepositories != null ) { for ( java.util.Iterator i = remoteRepositories.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { RemoteRepositoryConfiguration repo =; if ( repo.getId().equals( id ) ) { return repo; } } } return null; } public java.util.Map getManagedRepositoriesAsMap() { java.util.Map map = new java.util.HashMap(); if ( managedRepositories != null ) { for ( java.util.Iterator i = managedRepositories.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repo =; map.put( repo.getId(), repo ); } } return map; } public ManagedRepositoryConfiguration findManagedRepositoryById( String id ) { if ( managedRepositories != null ) { for ( java.util.Iterator i = managedRepositories.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repo =; if ( repo.getId().equals( id ) ) { return repo; } } } return null; } ]]> AbstractRepositoryConfiguration 1.0.0+ true id 1.0.0+ String true The repository identifier. name 1.0.0+ String true The descriptive name of the repository. layout 1.0.0+ String true The layout of the repository. Valid values are "default" and "legacy". default indexDir 1.0.0+ String The directory for the indexes of this repository. description 1.0.0+ String The description of this repository. 1.0.0+ RemoteRepositoryConfiguration 1.0.0+ AbstractRepositoryConfiguration url 1.0.0+ String true The URL for this repository. username 1.0.0+ String The Username for this repository. password 1.0.0+ String The Password for this repository. timeout 1.0.1+ int Timeout in seconds for connections to this repository 60 refreshCronExpression 1.4.0+ String When to run the refresh task. Default is every sunday at 8H00. 0 0 08 ? * SUN downloadRemoteIndex 1.4.0+ boolean Activate download of remote index if remoteIndexUrl is set too. false remoteIndexUrl 1.4.0+ String Remote Index Url : if not starting with http will be relative to the remote repository url. remoteDownloadNetworkProxyId 1.4.0+ String Id of the networkProxy to use when downloading remote index. remoteDownloadTimeout 1.4.0+ int Timeout in seconds for download remote index. Default is more long than artifact download. 300 downloadRemoteIndexOnStartup 1.4.0+ boolean Schedule download of remote index when archiva start false extraParameters 1.4.0+ Map Additionnal request parameters to add to url when requesting remote repositories. String * extraHeaders 1.4.0+ Map Additionnal http headers to add to url when requesting remote repositories. String * 1.0.0+ ManagedRepositoryConfiguration 1.0.0+ AbstractRepositoryConfiguration location 1.0.0+ String true The file system location for this repository. releases 1.0.0+ boolean True if this repository contains release versioned artifacts. true blockRedeployments 1.3.0+ boolean True if re-deployment of artifacts already in the repository will be blocked. false snapshots 1.0.0+ boolean True if this repository contains snapshot versioned artifacts. false scanned 1.0.0+ boolean True if this repository should be scanned and processed. true refreshCronExpression 1.0.0+ String When to run the refresh task. Default is every hour 0 0 * * * ? retentionCount 1.0.0+ int The total count of the artifact to be retained for each snapshot. 2 daysOlder 1.0.0+ int The number of days old which will be the basis for removing a snapshot. 100 deleteReleasedSnapshots 1.0.0+ boolean True if the released snapshots are to be removed from the repo during repository purge. false skipPackedIndexCreation 1.0.0+ boolean True to not generate packed index (note you won't be able to export your index. false stageRepoNeeded 1.0.0+ boolean Need a staging repository false V1RepositoryConfiguration 1.0.0+ ManagedRepositoryConfiguration url 1.0.0+ String true The URL for this repository. indexed 1.0.0+ boolean true LegacyArtifactPath 1.1.0+ path 1.1.0+ String true The legacy path. artifact 1.1.0+ String true The artifact reference, as " [groupId] : [artifactId] : [version] : [classifier] : [type] ". 1.0.0+ 0 ? classifier : null; } public String getType() { return artifact.split( ":" )[4]; } @Override public boolean equals( Object o ) { if ( this == o ) { return true; } if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) { return false; } LegacyArtifactPath that = (LegacyArtifactPath) o; if ( path != null ? !path.equals( that.path ) : that.path != null ) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return path != null ? 37 + path.hashCode() : 0; } ]]> RepositoryGroupConfiguration 1.2.0+ id 1.2.0+ String true The id of the repository group. mergedIndexPath 1.2.0+ String false /.indexer The path of the merged index. mergedIndexTtl 1.4.0+ int false 30 The time to live of the merged index of the repository group. cronExpression 1.0.0+ String When to run the index merging for this group. No default value. repositories 1.2.0+ String * The list of repository ids under the group. AbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration true 1.0.0+ sourceRepoId 1.0.0+ String true The Repository Source for this connector. targetRepoId 1.0.0+ String true The Repository Target for this connector. proxyId 1.0.0+ String The network proxy ID to use for this connector. blackListPatterns 1.0.0+ String * The list of blacklisted patterns for this connector. whiteListPatterns 1.0.0+ String * The list of whitelisted patterns for this connector. policies 1.0.0+ Map Policy configuration for the connector. String * properties 1.0.0+ Map Configuration for the connector. String * disabled 1.2+ If the the repository proxy connector is disabled or not boolean false 1.0.0+ ProxyConnectorRuleConfiguration 1.4.0+ ruleType 1.4.0+ String The type if this rule: whiteList, blackList etc.. pattern 1.4.0+ String The pattern for this rule: whiteList, blackList etc.. proxyConnectors 1.4.0+ Associated proxyConnectors configuration. ProxyConnectorConfiguration * AbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration ProxyConnectorConfiguration 1.0.0+ order 1.0.0+ The order of the proxy connectors. (0 means no order specified) int 0 1.0.0+ AbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration SyncConnectorConfiguration true 1.0.0+ cronExpression 1.0.0+ String When to run the sync mechanism. Default is every hour on the hour. 0 0 * * * ? method 1.0.0+ String The type of synchronization to use. rsync NetworkProxyConfiguration 1.0.0+ id 1.0.0+ String The ID for this proxy. protocol 1.0.0+ The network protocol to use with this proxy: "http", "socks-4" String true http host 1.0.0+ The proxy host. String true port 1.0.0+ The proxy port. int 8080 username 1.0.0+ The proxy user. String password 1.0.0+ The proxy password. String useNtlm 1.0.0+ Use ntlm authentification. boolean false 1.0.0+ RepositoryScanningConfiguration 1.0.0+ fileTypes 1.0.0+ true FileType * The FileTypes for the repository scanning configuration. knownContentConsumers 1.0.0+ true String * The list of active consumers IDs for known content. invalidContentConsumers 1.0.0+ true String * The list of active consumer IDs for invalid content. FileType 1.0.0+ The FileType object id 1.0.0+ true String patterns 1.0.0+ true String * 1.0.0+ OrganisationInformation 1.1.0+ The organisation information settings. name name of the organisation 1.1.0+ String url name of the organisation 1.1.0+ String logoLocation name of the organisation 1.1.0+ String WebappConfiguration 1.0.0+ The webapp configuration settings. ui options for altering the ui presentation 1.0.0+ UserInterfaceOptions UserInterfaceOptions 1.0.0+ The user interface configuration settings. showFindArtifacts true if find artifacts should be enabled 1.0.0+ boolean true appletFindEnabled true if applet behavior for find artifacts should be enabled 1.0.0+ boolean true disableEasterEggs 1.3.0+ boolean false applicationUrl 1.4.0+ String disableRegistration 1.4.0+ boolean false NetworkConfiguration 1.4.0+ The network configuration for external http request to repositories. maxTotal maximum total external http connections. 1.4.0+ int 30 maxTotalPerHost maximum total external http connections per host 1.4.0+ int 30 usePooling use or not http connection pooling default true 1.4.0+ boolean true ArchivaRuntimeConfiguration 1.4.0+ The runtime configuration. urlFailureCacheConfiguration the url failure cache configuration 1.4.0+ CacheConfiguration fileLockConfiguration the FileLocking configuration 1.4.0+ FileLockConfiguration RedbackRuntimeConfiguration 1.4.0+ The runtime configuration. migratedFromRedbackConfiguration flag to know if redback configuration has been checked/migrated. 1.4.0+ boolean false userManagerImpls The user manager impls to use. 1.4.0+ String * rbacManagerImpls The RBAC Manager impls to use. 1.4.0+ String * ldapConfiguration the ldap configuration 1.4.0+ LdapConfiguration ldapGroupMappings LdapGroupMappings 1.4.0+ LdapGroupMapping * configurationProperties extra properties for redback configuration. String/String 1.4.0+ Map String * useUsersCache flag to know if redback will use a cache to prevent searching users already found. 1.4.0+ boolean true usersCacheConfiguration the users cache configuration 1.4.0+ CacheConfiguration LdapConfiguration 1.4.0+ The LDAP configuration. hostName The LDAP host. 1.4.0+ String port The LDAP port. 1.4.0+ int ssl ssl LDAP connection. 1.4.0+ boolean false baseDn The LDAP base dn. 1.4.0+ String baseGroupsDn The LDAP base dn for groups (if empty baseDn is used). 1.4.0+ String contextFactory contextFactory to use. 1.4.0+ String bindDn The LDAP bind dn. 1.4.0+ String password The LDAP password. 1.4.0+ String authenticationMethod The LDAP authenticationMethod. 1.4.0+ String bindAuthenticatorEnabled The LDAP authenticator enabled. 1.4.0+ boolean false writable LDAP writable. 1.4.0+ boolean false useRoleNameAsGroup Will use role name as LDAP group. 1.4.0+ boolean false extraProperties 1.4.0+ Map Additionnal properties to use for ldap connection. String * FileLockConfiguration 1.4.0+ File Locking configuration. skipLocking skipping the locking mechanism 1.4.0+ boolean true lockingTimeout maximum time to wait to get the file lock (0 infinite) 1.4.0+ int 0 CacheConfiguration 1.4.0+ Cache configuration. timeToIdleSeconds TimeToIdleSeconds 1.4.0+ int -1 timeToLiveSeconds TimeToLiveSeconds 1.4.0+ int -1 maxElementsInMemory max elements in memory 1.4.0+ int -1 maxElementsOnDisk max elements on disk 1.4.0+ int -1 LdapGroupMapping 1.4.0+ configuration of a LDAP group to Archiva roles group LDAP Group 1.4.0+ String roleNames 1.4.0+ Archiva roles. String *