APRUTIL LIBRARY STATUS: -*-text-*- Last modified at [$Date: 2001/11/23 13:53:11 $] Release: 2.0a9 : released December 12, 2000 RELEASE SHOWSTOPPERS: * Need apu_compat.h to track the latest renames Status: someone want to step up to diff names between 1.3.x and apr/apr-util? Sounds like a job for a perl script... * add misc/version.c and related machinery once the pattern is laid out in APR. * complete the efforts started by DougM for cleaner fn naming conventions: see proposed name changes in renames_pending and offer up any additions/vetos/clarifications. DougM offered to complete the work with his nifty perl rename script at the hackathon. RELEASE NON-SHOWSTOPPERS BUT WOULD BE REAL NICE TO WRAP THESE UP: Other bugs that need fixing: Other features that need writing: * write apr_brigade_(p)getline, per the hackathon * possibly move test/testdbm* to util/dbu Justin says: Do we still want to do this? testdate is now in test. Status: Greg +1 (volunteers) * possibly move md5 from APR into crypto Justin says: Requires finding a suitable replacement for md5 in apr/uuid for when we don't have random bytes available. Status: Justin +1 (volunteers) Documentation that needs writing: * API documentation Status: * doc the lifetimes of apr_dbm return values Available Patches: Open Issues: