# # Configuration file for APRUTIL. Used by APR/build/gen-build.py # [options] # the platform-independent .c files paths = buckets/*.c crypto/*.c dbm/*.c dbm/sdbm/*.c encoding/*.c hooks/*.c ldap/*.c misc/*.c memcache/*.c uri/apr_uri.c xml/*.c strmatch/*.c xlate/*.c dbd/apr_dbd.c ssl/*.c # we have no platform-specific subdirs platform_dirs = # the public headers headers = include/*.h include/private/*.h modules = dbd_pgsql dbd_sqlite2 dbd_sqlite3 dbd_oracle dbd_mysql # gen_uri_delim.c # we have a recursive makefile for the test files (for now) # test/*.c [dbd_pgsql] paths = dbd/apr_dbd_pgsql.c target = dbd/apr_dbd_pgsql.la [dbd_sqlite2] paths = dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite2.c target = dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite2.la [dbd_sqlite3] paths = dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite3.c target = dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite3.la [dbd_oracle] paths = dbd/apr_dbd_oracle.c target = dbd/apr_dbd_oracle.la [dbd_mysql] paths = dbd/apr_dbd_mysql.c target = dbd/apr_dbd_mysql.la