#summary this page contains a template for Any23 announcement in various public ML of interest Dear all, the Any23 team is proud to announce the Any23 ** release. This latest release formally introduces some new valuable features including HTML5 Microdata{{{[1]}}} support, RDF representation of CSV{{{[2]}}} files, an improved API to programatically configure the library and various bug fixings. As usual everybody is invited to adopt this new release and report any encountered bug. A live demo is running at {{{[4]}}}, please feel free to try it. We’re planning the milestone **, so if you are waiting for the fix of a particular improvement please submit it to us using our issue tracker{{{[3]}}}. Below an extract of the _put your version here_ release note {{{[5]}}}: *add link to release notes here* Thanks for supporting our work. The Any23 Developers Team {{{[1]}}} http://dev.w3.org/html5/md/ {{{[2]}}} http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4180.txt {{{[3]}}} http://code.google.com/p/any23/issues/list {{{[4]}}} http://any23.org {{{[5]}}} http://any23.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/RELEASE-NOTES.txt