============= Any23 Plugins ============= This is the root dir of the Any23 Plugins module. A plugin is an extension of the Any23 core and can be plugged using the Plugin Manager capabilities. Plugins ======= basic-crawler ------------- A CLI tool which extends the Rover CLI adding crawler specific capabilities. html-scraper ------------ The HTML scraper is able to convert any HTML page to triples containing the text scraped from the page. office-scraper -------------- The Office scraper is able to convert the main MS Office compatible formats and convert them to triples. integration-test ---------------- This module contains the integration tests for all the defined plugins. Generate Plugin Packaging ========================= To generate the desired plugin package, navigate to the plugin directory and execute 'mvn package' e.g. to generate the basic-crawler plugin package $cd $ANY23-HOME/plugins/basic-crawler $ mvn package From the basic-crawler directory this generates . |-- pom.xml |-- src | |-- main | | |-- assembly | | `-- java | `-- test `-- target |-- any23-basic-crawler-${version}.jar |-- apache-any23-basic-crawler-${version}-bin.tar.gz <<< |-- apache-any23-basic-crawler-${version}-bin.zip <<< |-- archive-tmp |-- classes | |-- META-INF | `-- org |-- generated-sources |-- maven-archiver |-- maven-shared-archive-resources |-- surefire |-- surefire-reports `-- test-classes ... Plugin specific README's can be found in either ./target/*.tar.gz || ./target/*.zip (annotated above with '<<<'), where much more detailed information sources can be located.