============ Any23 README ============ Anything To Triples (any23) is a library and web service that extracts structured data in RDF format from a variety of Web documents. ------------- Documentation ------------- For details on the command line tool and web interface, see: http://developers.any23.org/getting-started.html For a guide to using any23 as a library in your Java applications, see: http://developers.any23.org/developers.html Javadocs are available here: http://developers.any23.org/apidocs/ ---------------------- Build from Source Code ---------------------- Be sure to have the Apache Maven v.2.2.x+ installed and included in PATH. For specific informations about Maven see: http://maven.apache.org/ Go to the trunk folder: $ cd trunk/ and execute the following command: trunk$ mvn clean install This will install the Any23 artifacts and its dependencies in your local Maven2 repository. ------------------------ Any23 Command line Tools ------------------------ Any23 comes with some command line tools: any23 allows to perform a metadata extraction on a file or URL source. any23tools provides access to some auxiliary tools. The complete documentation about these tools can be found here: http://developers.any23.org/getting-started.html To run such tools, go to the any23-core bin folder: trunk$ cd any23-core/bin and then invoke them: bin$ ./any23 [usage instructions will be printed out] bin$ ./any23tools [usage instructions will be printed out] --------------------- Run the Any23 Service --------------------- Any23 can be run as a service. To run the Any23 service go to the any23-service bin folder: trunk$ cd any23-service/bin and then invoke: bin$ ./any23server You can check the service is running by accessing http://localhost:8080/ with your browser. The complete documentation about this service can be found here: http://developers.any23.org/getting-started.html ---------------------- Generate Documentation ---------------------- To generate the project site locally execute the following command from the trunk dir: trunk$ MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx512m' mvn clean site You can speed up the site generation process specifying the offline option ( -o ), but it works only if all the involved plugin dependencies has been already downloaded in the local M2 repository: trunk$ MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx512m' mvn -o clean site If you're interested in generating the Javadoc enriched with navigable UML graphs, you can activate the umlgraphdoc profile. This profile relies on graphviz ( http://www.graphviz.org/) that must be installed in your system. trunk$ MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx256m' mvn -P umlgraphdoc clean site EOF