In this part of the svn tree is maintained the website published at The website is composed of four part: * the Ant main site published at * the Ivy site published at * the IvyDE site published at * the EasyAnt site published at Each website part has a 'sources' folder which contain the sources used to generate the final html files. The generated files are placed into the 'production' folder. To generate the site for Ant: $ cd site/ant $ ant docs For Ivy and IvyDE sites, some parts of the site depends on the source in git. To checkout a specific histroy version: $ cd site/ivy(de) $ ant checkout-history -Dhistory.version=2.4.0 And for the last stable version: $ ant checkout-history -Dhistory.version=2.4.0 -Dtarget.history.folder=latest-milestone Then to actually generate the site: $ ant generate-site To force the generation of the entire website (usefull when we change the template or the toc) $ ant /all generate-site To generate a 'history' sub part of the website (here 2.4.0): $ ant generate-history -Dhistory.version=2.4.0 The master of Ivy is now managed with asciidoc. So the doc is already generated and just need to be copied here. To help with that there is an Ant target: $ ant install-doc -Divydoc.dir=....../local-path/doc Or: $ ant install-doc To generate the site for EasyAnt: Generation with xooki requires Java 1.6. $ cd site/easyant $ easyant publish-shared Once files are generated in the 'production' folder, commit them and they will go live in few seconds.