

Starts or stops autoconfiguration for tasks and datatypes. Autoconfiguration applies properties to tasks and datatypes if their names fit to the tasks/datatype and attribute names and the attribute is not set.

The property name must match the following rule:
propertyname ::= prefix? taskname "." attributename

Only one Autoconf is active at the same time.


Attribute Description Required
start 'start' or 'stop' autoconfiguration no, defaults to 'start'
prefix Prefix to use for property names no, empty as default


<property name="echo.message" value="Default Message"/>
Echoes Default Message, because the name rule ("" + "echo" + "." + "message") catches one existing property.
<property name="echo.notAnAttribute" value="Default Message"/>
Echoes an empty line as the default behaviour of <echo/>. The message is not applied because the property name does not match the rule.
<property name="echo.message" value="Default Message"/>
<echo message="Individual Message"/>
Autoconf does not do anything because the attribute of the echo task is already set.