
The m4e task scans the Ant manual table of content files by starting from a given file. It acts like a spider. The task is dependent on the frame structure of the manual because it uses all pages opened in the left navigation frame navFrame as references toc file. There are build-in ignore lists, but they are not changeable from outside at the moment.

With the scanned information it generates a toc.xml which is needed for Eclipse Help. It writes a plugin.xml with static content, too.


Attribute Description Required
dir The directory where to generate the files. yes
manualDir The directory where Ant's manual is. yes


<target name="gen" xmlns:m4e="antlib:org.apache.ant.manual4eclipse">
    <property name="build" value="build"/>
    <property name="ant.trunk" location="path/to/my/svn/checkout/of/Ant/Core"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
    <m4e:m4e dir="${build}" manualDir="${ant.trunk}/docs/manual"/>
This target reads the data from Ant's manual living in path/to/my/svn/checkout/of/Ant/Core/docs/manual and generates a toc.xml and a plugin.xml to build.