

Building an Eclipse Help plugin is more than creating a toc.xml and a plugin.xml. You have to collect all needed files in the needed file structure and create a JAR with OSGi bundle information. Also references between the files should not be go outside the structure in a relative way (you could use links like but no ../images). The makro buildPlugin does this work.

Mainly the cover.html from the Ant Manual loads an image from the site directory (../images). The link will be modified an the graphic will be copied.


Attribute Description Required
manualDir The directory where Ant's manual is. Yes
antVersion The version of Ant's Manual. Yes
buildDir Where to build the artefacts. Yes
pluginDir Whether to generate the plugin files. No, default "@{buildDir}/manual4eclipse"
pluginPackage In which package should the plugin reside. No, default "org.apache.ant.manual"


<target name="gen" xmlns:m4e="antlib:org.apache.ant.manual4eclipse">
    <property name="build" value="build"/>
    <property name="ant.trunk" location="path/to/my/svn/checkout/of/Ant/Core"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
    <m4e:buildPlugin manualDir="${ant.trunk}/docs/manual"
This target generates an Eclipse Help plugin org.apache.ant.manual_1.7.1alpha.v20070301.jar (with 20070301 as timestamp) into build with the plugin files and the html manual from path/to/my/svn/checkout/of/Ant/Core/docs/manual.