Welcome to Ivy reference documentation! If you don't know Ivy at all, give a glance at its [[features features]], the [[faq]] and the [[tutorial tutorials]] before digging into this reference documentation.
Reference Overview
This documentation is decomposed in several parts:
This part gives you the meaning of some words used all over ivy doc, such as organisation, module, configurations, settings, ...
This part introduces the main concepts used in Ivy: dependency resolvers, variables, patterns, and also a good introduction to a central ivy concept: module configurations.
As the title suggest, here you will have some explanations on how does ivy work internally, which can help to better understand and customize its use.
This part describe how to install Ivy
This part is dedicated to the specification of the settings file of Ivy (usually called ivysettings.xml). It also gives the list of built-in dependency resolvers available in ivy.
This part is the reference of the specification of the ivy files, the files in which you describe your dependencies. If you have any question of what can be done or not in an ivy file, you will have the answer here.
This part describes how to use ivy from ant. It's in this section that all ant tasks brought by ivy are specified.
Even though Ivy is most often used from ant, it can also be used from the command line. This page describes how you can do it.