defaultCache | a path to a directory to use as default cache |
No, defaults to .ivy2/cache in user home |
defaultResolver | the name of the default resolver to use |
No, but all modules should be configured in the modules section if not provided |
defaultLatestStrategy | the name of the default latest strategy to use |
No, defaults to latest-revision |
defaultConflictManager | the name of the default conflict manager to use |
No, defaults to latest-revision |
defaultBranch | the default branch to use for all modules, except if they have a module specific branch setting. since 1.4 |
No, defaults to no default branch |
circularDependencyStrategy | the name of the circular dependency strategy to use since 1.4 |
No, defaults to warn |
validate | Indicates if ivy files should be validated against ivy.xsd or not. |
No, defaults to true |
checkUpToDate | Indicates if date should be checked before retrieving artifacts from cache |
No, defaults to true |
cacheIvyPattern | a pattern to indicate where ivy files should be put in cache |
No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml |
cacheArtifactPattern | a pattern to indicate where artifact files should be put in cache |
No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext] |
useRemoteConfig | true to configure ivyrep and ibiblio resolver from a remote configuration file (updated with changes in those repository structure if any) (since 1.2) |
No, defaults to false |