

Task to automate a remote telnet session. The task uses nested <read> to indicate strings to wait for, and <write> tags to specify text to send.

If you do specify a userid and password, the system will assume a common unix prompt to wait on. This behavior can be easily over-ridden.


Attribute Values Required
userid the login id to use on the telnet server. No
password the login password to use on the telnet server. No
server the address of the remote telnet server. Yes
port the port number of the remote telnet server. Defaults to port 23. No
initialCR send a cr after connecting ("yes"). Defaults to "no". No
timeout set a default timeout to wait for a response. Specified in seconds. Default is no timeout. No


A simple example of connecting to a server and running a command. This assumes a prompt of "ogin:" for the userid, and a prompt of "assword:" for the password.
<telnet userid="bob" password="badpass" server="localhost">
   <read string="/home/bob"/>
This task can be rewritten as:
<telnet server="localhost">
A timeout can be specified at the <telnet> level or at the <read> level. This will connect, issue a sleep command that is suppressed from displaying and wait 10 seconds before quitting.
<telnet userid="bob" password="badpass" server="localhost" timeout="20">
   <write echo="false">sleep 15</write>
   <read timeout="10">/home/bob</read>
The task can be used with other ports as well:
<telnet port="80" server="localhost" timeout="20">
   <write>GET / http/0.9</write>
   <read timeout="10">&lt;/HTML&gt;</read>

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