

Executes a Java class within the running (Ant) VM or forks another VM if specified.

Be careful that the executed class doesn't call System.exit(), because it will terminate the VM and thus Ant. In case this happens, it's highly suggested that you set the fork attribute so that System.exit() stops the other VM and not the one that is currently running Ant.


Attribute Description Required
classname the Java class to execute. Either jar or classname
jar the location of the jar file to execute (must have a Main-Class entry in the manifest). Fork must be set to true if this option is selected. Either jar or classname
args the arguments for the class that is executed. deprecated, use nested <arg> elements instead. No
classpath the classpath to use. No
classpathref the classpath to use, given as reference to a PATH defined elsewhere. No
fork if enabled triggers the class execution in another VM (disabled by default) No
jvm the command used to invoke the Java Virtual Machine, default is 'java'. The command is resolved by java.lang.Runtime.exec(). Ignored if fork is disabled. No
jvmargs the arguments to pass to the forked VM (ignored if fork is disabled). deprecated, use nested <jvmarg> elements instead. No
maxmemory Max amount of memory to allocate to the forked VM (ignored if fork is disabled) No
failonerror Stop the buildprocess if the command exits with a returncode other than 0. Only available if fork is true. No
dir The directory to invoke the VM in. (ignored if fork is disabled) No
output Name of a file to write the output to. No

Parameters specified as nested elements

arg and jvmarg

Use nested <arg> and <jvmarg> elements to specify arguments for the or the forked VM. See Command line arguments.


Use nested <sysproperty> elements to specify system properties required by the class. These properties will be made available to the VM during the execution of the class (either ANT's VM or the forked VM). The attributes for this element are the same as for environment variables.


Java's classpath attribute is a PATH like structure and can also be set via a nested classpath element.

       <java classname="test.Main" >
         <arg value="-h"/> 
           <pathelement location="\test.jar"/>
           <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>


  <java classname="test.Main"/>
  <java classname="test.Main"
        fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key="DEBUG" value="true"/> 
    <arg value="-h"/> 
    <jvmarg value="-Xrunhprof:cpu=samples,file=log.txt,depth=3"/> 

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