

Call another target within the same build-file optionally specifying some properties (param's in this context)

By default, all of the properties of the current project will be available in the new project. Alternatively, you can set the inheritAll attribute to false and only "user" properties (i.e., those passed on the command-line) will be passed to the new project. In either case, the set of properties passed to the new project will override the properties that are set in the new project (See also the property task).

You can also set properties in the new project from the old project by using nested param tags. These properties are always passed regardless of the setting of inheritAll. This allows you to parameterize your subprojects.

When a target is invoked by antcall, all of its dependent targets will also be called within the context of any new parameters. For example. if the target "doSomethingElse" depended on the target "init", then the antcall of "doSomethingElse" will call "init" during the call. Of course, any properties defined in the antcall task or inherited from the calling target will be fixed and not overridable in the init task -or indeed in the "doSomethingElse" task.


Attribute Description Required
target The target to execute. Yes
inheritAll If true, pass all properties to the new Ant project. Defaults to true. No

Parameters specified as nested elements


Specifies the properties to set before running the specified target. See property for usage guidelines.


  <target name="default">
    <antcall target="doSomethingElse">
      <param name="param1" value="value"/>

  <target name="doSomethingElse">
    <echo message="param1=${param1}"/>

Will run the target 'doSomethingElse' and echo 'param1=value'.

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