Changes from Ant 1.6.B2 to Ant 1.6.B3 ===================================== Changes that could break older environments: -------------------------------------------- * Changed namespace processing. The namespace uri of nested elements of a type or a task are now the same as the type or task. Previously the namespace uri of nested elements was ant's namespace uri. This change will affect users of ant 1.6b1 and ant 1.6b2. * 's executable attribute defaults to mcs on non-Windows platforms. Fixed bugs: ----------- * the task checks that the Main method of the class to be executed is static, and fails with a decent BuildException if it is not the case * a space at the end of the Ant-Version line of the default manifest has been removed * better debugging support for ApacheCatalogResolver Bugzilla Report 24070. * better report of exceptions in the renaming of the old file in and the derived classes , ... * use of and xmlns:prefix="antlib:package" * user and new arguments were swapped in PropertyHelper setNew and setUser. Bugzilla Report 23966. *