/* Copyright (c) 2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Ant environment */ call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "RexxUtil", "SysLoadFuncs" call SysLoadFuncs /* Prepare the parameters for later use */ parse arg argv mode = '' args = '' opts = '' cp = '' lcp = '' do i = 1 to words(argv) param = word(argv, i) select when param='-lcp' then mode = 'l' when param='-cp' | param='-classpath' then mode = 'c' when abbrev('-opts', param, 4) then mode = 'o' when abbrev('-args', param, 4) then mode = 'a' otherwise select when mode = 'a' then args = space(args param, 1) when mode = 'c' then cp = space(cp param, 1) when mode = 'l' then lcp = space(lcp param, 1) when mode = 'o' then opts = space(opts param, 1) otherwise say 'Option' param 'ignored' end end end env="OS2ENVIRONMENT" antconf = _getenv_('antconf' 'antconf.cmd') runrc = _getenv_('runrc') interpret 'call "' || runrc || '"' '"' || antconf || '"' 'ETC' ANT_HOME = value('ANT_HOME',,env) JAVA_HOME = value('JAVA_HOME',,env) classpath = value('CLASSPATH',,env) classes = stream(JAVA_HOME || "\lib\classes.zip", "C", "QUERY EXISTS") if classes \= '' then classpath = prepend(classpath classes) classes = stream(JAVA_HOME || "\lib\tools.jar", "C", "QUERY EXISTS") if classes \= '' then classpath = prepend(classpath classes) mincp = classpath call SysFileTree ANT_HOME || '\lib\*.jar', 'jar', 'FO' do i = 1 to jar.0 nm = filespec('name', jar.i) if pos('ant-', nm) == 0 then classpath = prepend(classpath jar.i) end if length(classpath) > 512 then do say 'Classpath is too long, switching to the minimal version...' say '... some tasks will not work' classpath = mincp classpath = prepend(classpath ANT_HOME || '\lib\ant.jar') classpath = prepend(classpath ANT_HOME || '\lib\optional.jar') end 'SET CLASSPATH=' || classpath /* Setting classpathes, options and arguments */ envset = _getenv_('envset') if cp\='' then interpret 'call "' || envset || '"' '"; CLASSPATH"' '"' || cp || '"' if lcp\='' then interpret 'call "' || envset || '"' '"; LOCALCLASSPATH"' '"' || lcp || '"' if opts\='' then interpret 'call "' || envset || '"' '"-D ANT_OPTS"' '"' || opts || '"' if args\='' then interpret 'call "' || envset || '"' '"ANT_ARGS"' '"' || args || '"' exit 0 addpath: procedure parse arg path elem if elem = '' then do if path\='' & right(path, 1)\=';' then path = path || ';' return path end if substr(path, length(path)) = ';' then glue = '' else glue = ';' if pos(translate(elem), translate(path)) = 0 then path = path || glue || elem || ';' return path prepend: procedure parse arg path elem if elem = '' then do if path\='' & right(path, 1)\=';' then path = path || ';' return path end if pos(translate(elem), translate(path)) = 0 then path = elem || ';' || path return path _getenv_: procedure expose env parse arg envar default if default = '' then default = envar var = value(translate(envar),,env) if var = '' then var = default return var