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Antlib Roadmap

Antlib with tasks and types only

Let me quote here Stefan Bodewig - April 24th 2003.

Let's make a version of antlib that knows about two predefined roles, task and data-type. I think this is already feature complete in the proposal (which does even more).

Let's move this code with the restriction to tasks and types into the main branch ASAP. Let's sort out the classloading requirements as well as the interplay of antlib with taskdef and typedef here.

After this flies, I'd expect us to get roles sorted out. If we feel like removing the difference between tasks and types, we can do so then as well.

Roles and components in build files

A second step : make a detailed proposal concerning roles and implement roles and components in ant core.

Roles and components in antlibs

Once roles and components are properly defined and implemented in ant core, we would revisit <antlib> and implement roles and components there.


After we have antlibs, roles, and components, we should specify how we are going to proceed concerning namespaces and prefixes.