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Antlib Namespaces

J.Pietschmann 03.05.2003 17:25

Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote: < This seems interesting, and brings up what XML namespaces can be used for.

XML namespaces are indented to disambiguate short local element and attribute names. Any sematic associated to XML namespaces beside this has to be weighted carefully.

Lets take an example. There are two projects, Foo and Bar, each providing a task, lets call them <foo> and <bar> respectively. Both tasks take a <part> child, by coincidence. Of course, because the projects act uncoordinated, the <part> child element has a different semantic. In order to make this clearer, let's say the Foo <part> takes an optional <mumble> child while the Bar <part> takes three mandatory <xonx> children.

Someone finds both the <foo> and the <bar> task exciting and wants to use both in an Ant build file. No problem so far: because ot the way Ant elements get their child elements and create associated Java objects, this should work. Now said someone got a super-duper schema directed XML editor and wants to use it for editing the build.xml file. He asks all projects for a schema (DTD, XSD, RNG, whatever) for this purpose and merges them in order to get a schema for his build file. At this point the two <part> elements are likely to clash (at least for DTDs, where element names are global). While it is possible to merge the content models so that <part> now takes either an optional <mumble> or three <xonx> children, this would allow the user to put <xonx> children into the <part> of the <foo> task. This is only a minor inconvenience for most people, but an unthinkable horror for true purists.

Introduce namespaces: the Foo projects names its namespace "http://www.fooproject.org/anttask" while the Bar project uses "URI:bar" or whatever. For the XML parser it is only really important that two different strings are used. You see, the longer the strings the less tha chance they will clash, and they probably won't clash if they start with the URLs of the project's homepages (the intent behind the recommendation to use URLs, because it's the closest thing to a global registry you can get short of actually creating a global registry). Anyway, because the expanded names of the <part> elements are now "{http://www.fooproject.org/anttask}part" and "{URI:bar}part" respectively they obviously no longer clash. BTW you can write this as

  <target name="foo">
    <foo xmlns="http://www.fooproject.org/anttask">
    <bar xmlns="URI:bar">

or as

  <target name="foo"

take your pick (if you think the "foo" and "bar" prefixes are too long, use "a" and "b" instead, it doesn't matter).

So far, the namespace names should only be different for different projects, so why is it dangerous to associate some semantic with it, like letting them point to a jar file? The problem is again that general purpose XML tools, like the above mentioned super-duper XML editor may associate their own semantics with the namespace, like how to auto-format certain elements. This information will be stored in some config files, and it requires that the namespace name is the same until the semantics of the elements in it have changed enough that it warrants assigning a new namespace name.


  1. XML namespaces are there to facilitate aggregation of XML adhering to schemas (content models) of different, uncoordinated origin.
  2. XML Namespaces should be used in a way that no end user action can result in two namespace names becoming unintentionally the same.
  3. XML Namespace names should preferably be assigned by the people or project which specifies the semantics of the XML elemnets and attributes therein.
  4. XML Namespace names should be kept unchanged until a change of the semantic of the elements warrants a change.
  5. Good tools should not monopolize XML namespace syntax for its own semantics.

The schema directed editor should provide an example hoe tools can take advantage of XML namespaces: use them as a key into a DB/config to get it's own associated semantic. In particular for Ant/Antlib I can imagine that each library provides a factory object associated to the XML namespace for the library.

The FOP parser uses such a two stage lookup: first the namespace is used to get a factory object from a hash table, then the factory is used with the local XML element name to create a Java object which is inserted into the FO tree. The hash table with the factories is initialized at startup, the associations between namespace name and factory class name is read from a Services file. Want to add a FOP extension? Get the default Services file, add a line with your namespace-to-factoryclassname mapping put it into the jar with all the classes and drop the jar as first into the classpath. If the user wants to use multiple extensions, well, edit the main Services instead, dead easy.

HTH J.Pietschmann