Setproxy Task
Sets Java's web proxy properties, so that tasks and code run in the same JVM can have through-the-firewall access to remote web sites, and remote ftp sites.
Apache Ant
Sets Java's web proxy properties, so that tasks and code run in the same JVM can have through-the-firewall access to remote web sites, and remote ftp sites. You can nominate an http and ftp proxy, or a socks server, reset the server settings, or do nothing at all.


do nothing
<setproxy proxyhost="firewall"/>
set the proxy to firewall:80
<setproxy proxyhost="firewall" proxyport="81"/>
set the proxy to firewall:81
<setproxy proxyhost=""/>
stop using the http proxy; don't change the socks settings
<setproxy socksproxyhost="socksy"/>
use socks via socksy:1080
<setproxy socksproxyhost=""/>
stop using the socks server
Attribute Description Type
nonProxyHosts A list of hosts to bypass the proxy on. These should be separated with the vertical bar character '|'. Only in Java 1.4 does ftp use this list. e.g.|* String
proxyHost the HTTP/ftp proxy host. Set this to "" for the http proxy option to be disabled String
proxyPort the HTTP/ftp proxy port number; default is 80 int
socksProxyHost The name of a Socks server. Set to "" to turn socks proxying off. String
socksProxyPort Set the ProxyPort for socks connections. The default value is 1080 int
Parameters as nested elements

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