***************************** W A R N I N G ********************************** All user accessible points in this software package are to be considered "alpha". This means that the developer team is not investing _any_ effort in providing back compatibility between alpha releases. This software will continue to be released as "alpha" until both code, schemas and APIs will be considered stable. Until then, there will be no warranty that newer versions will maintain back compatibility even in the most simple cases. On the other hand, once "beta" status is reached, back incompatible changes will be made only if absolutely necessary to reach "final" status. The Ant development team understands the importance of reliable software as well as the importance of protecting user investiments by the creation of a solid development platform that doesn't change. On the other hand, being the Ant project a pioneer in many fields, this cannot be guaranteed before a final status is reached for the software. Until then, no effort will be provided to guarantee back compatibility. You have been warned. ***************************** W A R N I N G **********************************