This document provides a step by step tutorial for writing tasks.
Apache Ant builds itself, we are using Ant too (why we would write a task if not? :-) therefore we should use Ant for our build.
We choose a directory as root directory. All things will be done here if I say nothing different. I will reference this directory as root-directory of our project. In this root-directory we create a text file names build.xml. What should Ant do for us?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <project name="MyTask" basedir="." default="jar"> <target name="clean" description="Delete all generated files"> <delete dir="classes"/> <delete file="MyTasks.jar"/> </target> <target name="compile" description="Compiles the Task"> <javac srcdir="src" destdir="classes"/> </target> <target name="jar" description="JARs the Task"> <jar destfile="MyTask.jar" basedir="classes"/> </target> </project>This buildfile uses often the same value (src, classes, MyTask.jar), so we should rewrite that using
s. On second there are some handicaps: <javac>
requires that the destination
directory exists; a call of "clean" with a non existing classes directory will fail; "jar" requires
the execution of some steps bofore. So the refactored code is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <project name="MyTask" basedir="." default="jar"> <property name="src.dir" value="src"/> <property name="classes.dir" value="classes"/> <target name="clean" description="Delete all generated files"> <delete dir="${classes.dir}" failonerror="false"/> <delete file="${}.jar"/> </target> <target name="compile" description="Compiles the Task"> <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/> <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}"/> </target> <target name="jar" description="JARs the Task" depends="compile"> <jar destfile="${}.jar" basedir="${classes.dir}"/> </target> </project> is one of the build-in properties [1] of Ant.
public class HelloWorld { public void execute() { System.out.println("Hello World"); } }and we can compile and jar it with ant (default target is "jar" and via its depends-clause the "compile" is executed before).
But after creating the jar we want to use our new Task. Therefore we need a
new target "use". Before we can use our new task we have to declare it with
[2]. And for easier process we change the default clause:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <project name="MyTask" basedir="." default="use"> ... <target name="use" description="Use the Task" depends="jar"> <taskdef name="helloworld" classname="HelloWorld" classpath="${}.jar"/> <helloworld/> </target> </project>
Important is the classpath-attribute. Ant searches in its /lib directory for tasks and our task isn't there. So we have to provide the right location.
Now we can type in ant and all should work ...
Buildfile: build.xml compile: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\classes [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\classes jar: [jar] Building jar: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\MyTask.jar use: [helloworld] Hello World BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 3 seconds
Our class has nothing to do with Ant. It extends no superclass and implements no interface. How does Ant know to integrate? Via name convention: our class provides a method with signature public void execute(). This class is wrapped by Ant's which is a task and uses reflection for setting a reference to the project and calling the execute() method.
Setting a reference to the project? Could be interesting. The Project class gives us some nice abilities: access to Ant's logging facilities getting and setting properties and much more. So we try to use that class:
import; public class HelloWorld { private Project project; public void setProject(Project proj) { project = proj; } public void execute() { String message = project.getProperty(""); project.log("Here is project '" + message + "'.", Project.MSG_INFO); } }and the execution with ant will show us the expected
use: Here is project 'MyTask'.
Ok, that works ... But usually you will extend That class is integrated in Ant, get's the project-reference, provides documentation fiels, provides easier access to the logging facility and (very useful) gives you the exact location where in the buildfile this task instance is used.
Oki-doki - let's us use some of these:
import; public class HelloWorld extends Task { public void execute() { // use of the reference to Project-instance String message = getProject().getProperty(""); // Task's log method log("Here is project '" + message + "'."); // where this task is used? log("I am used in: " + getLocation() ); } }
which gives us when running
use: [helloworld] Here is project 'MyTask'. [helloworld] I am used in: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\build.xml:23:
The parent project of your custom task may be accessed through method getProject()
. However, do not call this from the custom task constructor, as the return value will be null. Later, when node attributes or text are set, or method execute()
is called, the Project object is available.
Here are two useful methods from class Project:
String getProperty(String propertyName)
String replaceProperties(String value)
The method replaceProperties()
is discussed further in section Nested Text.
Now we want to specify the text of our message (it seems that we are
rewriting the <echo/>
task :-). First we well do that with an attribute.
It is very easy - for each attribute provide a public void set<attributename>
newValue) method and Ant will do the rest via reflection.
import; import; public class HelloWorld extends Task { String message; public void setMessage(String msg) { message = msg; } public void execute() { if (message==null) { throw new BuildException("No message set."); } log(message); } }
Oh, what's that in execute()? Throw a BuildException? Yes, that's the usual way to show Ant that something important is missed and complete build should fail. The string provided there is written as build-failes-message. Here it's necessary because the log() method can't handle a null value as parameter and throws a NullPointerException. (Of course you can initialize the message with a default string.)
After that we have to modify our buildfile:
<target name="use" description="Use the Task" depends="jar"> <taskdef name="helloworld" classname="HelloWorld" classpath="${}.jar"/> <helloworld message="Hello World"/> </target>
That's all.
Some background for working with attributes: Ant supports any of these datatypes as arguments of the set-method:
Maybe you have used the <echo>
task in a way like <echo>Hello World</echo>.
For that you have to provide a public void addText(String text) method.
... public class HelloWorld extends Task { private String message; ... public void addText(String text) { message = text; } ... }
But here properties are not resolved! For resolving properties we have to use Project's replaceProperties(String propname) : String method which takes the property name as argument and returns its value (or ${propname} if not set).
Thus, to replace properties in the nested node text, our method addText()
can be written as:
public void addText(String text) { message = getProject().replaceProperties(text); }
There are several ways for inserting the ability of handling nested elements. See the Manual [4] for other. We use the first way of the three described ways. There are several steps for that:
() methods). import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Iterator; ... public void execute() { if (message!=null) log(message); for (Iterator it=messages.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { // 4 Message msg = (Message); log(msg.getMsg()); } } Vector messages = new Vector(); // 2 public Message createMessage() { // 3 Message msg = new Message(); messages.add(msg); return msg; } public class Message { // 1 public Message() {} String msg; public void setMsg(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public String getMsg() { return msg; } } ...
Then we can use the new nested element. But where is xml-name for that defined? The mapping XML-name : classname is defined in the factory method: public classname createXML-name(). Therefore we write in the buildfile
<helloworld> <message msg="Nested Element 1"/> <message msg="Nested Element 2"/> </helloworld>
Note that if you choose to use methods 2 or 3, the class that represents the nested
element must be declared as static
For recapitulation now a little refactored buildfile:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <project name="MyTask" basedir="." default="use"> <property name="src.dir" value="src"/> <property name="classes.dir" value="classes"/> <target name="clean" description="Delete all generated files"> <delete dir="${classes.dir}" failonerror="false"/> <delete file="${}.jar"/> </target> <target name="compile" description="Compiles the Task"> <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/> <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}"/> </target> <target name="jar" description="JARs the Task" depends="compile"> <jar destfile="${}.jar" basedir="${classes.dir}"/> </target> <target name="use.init" description="Taskdef the HelloWorld-Task" depends="jar"> <taskdef name="helloworld" classname="HelloWorld" classpath="${}.jar"/> </target> <target name="use.without" description="Use without any" depends="use.init"> <helloworld/> </target> <target name="use.message" description="Use with attribute 'message'" depends="use.init"> <helloworld message="attribute-text"/> </target> <target name="" description="Use with attribute 'fail'" depends="use.init"> <helloworld fail="true"/> </target> <target name="use.nestedText" description="Use with nested text" depends="use.init"> <helloworld>nested-text</helloworld> </target> <target name="use.nestedElement" description="Use with nested 'message'" depends="use.init"> <helloworld> <message msg="Nested Element 1"/> <message msg="Nested Element 2"/> </helloworld> </target> <target name="use" description="Try all (w/out" depends="use.without,use.message,use.nestedText,use.nestedElement" /> </project>And the code of the task:
import; import; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Iterator; /** * The task of the tutorial. * Print a message or let the build fail. * @since 2003-08-19 */ public class HelloWorld extends Task { /** The message to print. As attribute. */ String message; public void setMessage(String msg) { message = msg; } /** Should the build fail? Defaults to false. As attribute. */ boolean fail = false; public void setFail(boolean b) { fail = b; } /** Support for nested text. */ public void addText(String text) { message = text; } /** Do the work. */ public void execute() { // handle attribute 'fail' if (fail) throw new BuildException("Fail requested."); // handle attribute 'message' and nested text if (message!=null) log(message); // handle nested elements for (Iterator it=messages.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Message msg = (Message); log(msg.getMsg()); } } /** Store nested 'message's. */ Vector messages = new Vector(); /** Factory method for creating nested 'message's. */ public Message createMessage() { Message msg = new Message(); messages.add(msg); return msg; } /** A nested 'message'. */ public class Message { // Bean constructor public Message() {} /** Message to print. */ String msg; public void setMsg(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public String getMsg() { return msg; } } }And it works:
C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask>ant Buildfile: build.xml compile: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\classes [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\classes jar: [jar] Building jar: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\MyTask.jar use.init: use.without: use.message: [helloworld] attribute-text use.nestedText: [helloworld] nested-text use.nestedElement: [helloworld] [helloworld] [helloworld] [helloworld] [helloworld] Nested Element 1 [helloworld] Nested Element 2 use: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 3 seconds C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask>ant Buildfile: build.xml compile: jar: use.init: BUILD FAILED C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\build.xml:36: Fail requested. Total time: 1 second C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask>Next step: test ...
We have written a test already: the use.* tasks in the buildfile. But its difficult to test that automatically. Common (and in Ant) used is JUnit for that. For testing tasks Ant provides a baseclass This class extends junit.framework.TestCase and can therefore be integrated into the unit tests. But this class provides some for testing tasks useful methods: initialize Ant, load a buildfile, execute targets, expecting BuildExceptions with a specified text, expect a special text in the output log ...
In Ant it is usual that the testcase has the same name as the task with a prepending Test, therefore we will create a file Because we have a very small project we can put this file into src directory (Ant's own testclasses are in /src/testcases/...). Because we have already written our tests for "hand-test" we can use that for automatic tests, too. But there is one little problem we have to solve: all test supporting classes are not part of the binary distribution of Ant. So you can build the special jar file from source distro with target "test-jar" or you can download a nightly build from [5].
For executing the test and creating a report we need the optional tasks <junit>
and <junitreport>
. So we add to the buildfile:
... <project name="MyTask" basedir="." default="test"> ... <property name="ant.test.lib" value="ant-testutil.jar"/> <property name="report.dir" value="report"/> <property name="junit.out.dir.xml" value="${report.dir}/junit/xml"/> <property name="junit.out.dir.html" value="${report.dir}/junit/html"/> <path id=""> <path path="${java.class.path}"/> <path location="${}.jar"/> </path> <path id="classpath.test"> <path refid=""/> <path location="${ant.test.lib}"/> </path> <target name="clean" description="Delete all generated files"> <delete failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true"> <fileset dir="." includes="${}.jar"/> <fileset dir="${classes.dir}"/> <fileset dir="${report.dir}"/> </delete> </target> <target name="compile" description="Compiles the Task"> <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/> <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}" classpath="${ant.test.lib}"/> </target> ... <target name="junit" description="Runs the unit tests" depends="jar"> <delete dir="${junit.out.dir.xml}"/> <mkdir dir="${junit.out.dir.xml}"/> <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no"> <classpath refid="classpath.test"/> <formatter type="xml"/> <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${junit.out.dir.xml}"> <fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="**/*"/> </batchtest> </junit> </target> <target name="junitreport" description="Create a report for the rest result"> <mkdir dir="${junit.out.dir.html}"/> <junitreport todir="${junit.out.dir.html}"> <fileset dir="${junit.out.dir.xml}"> <include name="*.xml"/> </fileset> <report format="frames" todir="${junit.out.dir.html}"/> </junitreport> </target> <target name="test" depends="junit,junitreport" description="Runs unit tests and creates a report" /> ...
Back to the src/ We create a class extending BuildFileTest with String-constructor (JUnit-standard), a setUp() method initializing Ant and for each testcase (targets use.*) a testXX() method invoking that target.
import; public class HelloWorldTest extends BuildFileTest { public HelloWorldTest(String s) { super(s); } public void setUp() { // initialize Ant configureProject("build.xml"); } public void testWithout() { executeTarget("use.without"); assertEquals("Message was logged but should not.", getLog(), ""); } public void testMessage() { // execute target 'use.nestedText' and expect a message // 'attribute-text' in the log expectLog("use.message", "attribute-text"); } public void testFail() { // execute target '' and expect a BuildException // with text 'Fail requested.' expectBuildException("", "Fail requested."); } public void testNestedText() { expectLog("use.nestedText", "nested-text"); } public void testNestedElement() { executeTarget("use.nestedElement"); assertLogContaining("Nested Element 1"); assertLogContaining("Nested Element 2"); } }
When starting ant we'll get a short message to STDOUT and a nice HTML-report.
C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask>ant Buildfile: build.xml compile: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\classes [javac] Compiling 2 source files to C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\classes jar: [jar] Building jar: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\MyTask.jar junit: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\report\junit\xml [junit] Running HelloWorldTest [junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 2,334 sec junitreport: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask\report\junit\html [junitreport] Using Xalan version: Xalan Java 2.4.1 [junitreport] Transform time: 661ms test: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7 seconds C:\tmp\anttests\MyFirstTask>
Try running Ant with the flag -verbose
. For more information, try flag -debug
For deeper issues, you may need to run the custom task code in a Java debugger. First, get the source for Ant and build it with debugging information.
Since Ant is a large project, it can be a little tricky to set the right breakpoints. Here are two important breakpoints for version 1.8:
If you need to debug when a task attribute or the text is set, begin by debugging into method execute()
of your custom task. Then set breakpoints in other methods. This will ensure the class byte-code has been loaded by the Java VM.
This tutorial and its resources are available via BugZilla [6]. The ZIP provided there contains
The last sources and the buildfile are also available here [7] inside the manual.
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