More Assertion Tasks

This Ant library also provides a couple of pre-defined assertions that are specializations of the <assertTrue> task.



Negates <assertTrue>. Supports the same attributes and nested elements as <assertTrue> but makes the build fail if the nested condition is true.


Make the build fail with the message "foo is bar" if the property foo has the value bar:

      <assertFalse message="foo is bar">
        <equals arg1="${foo}" arg2="bar"/>


Asserts that its two arguments are equal.

Attribute Description Required
expected First string to test. Yes
actual Second string to test. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected 'expected' but was 'actual'". No.
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive comparision. Default is true. No


Make the build fail with the message "foo is not bar" if the property foo doesn't hold the value bar regardless of case:

      <assertEquals message="foo is not bar" expected="bar"
                      actual="${foo}" casesensitive="false"/>


Asserts that a property has a value.

Attribute Description Required
name Name of the property. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected property 'name'". No.


Make the build fail with the message "Expected property 'foo'" if the property foo is not defined:

      <assertPropertySet name="foo"/>


Asserts that a given property is set and holds a certain value.

Attribute Description Required
name Name of the property. Yes
value Expected value. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected property 'name' to have value 'value' but was 'value of property name'". No.
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive comparision. Default is true. No


Make the build fail with the message "foo is not bar" if the property foo doesn't hold the value bar regardless of case:

      <assertPropertyEquals message="foo is not bar" value="bar"
                              name="foo" casesensitive="false"/>


Asserts that a given property is set and holds a certain value as substring.

Attribute Description Required
name Name of the property. Yes
value Expected substring value. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected property 'name' to contain value 'value' but was 'value of property name'". No.
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive comparision. Default is true. No


Make the build fail with the message "foo doesn't contain bar" if the property foo doesn't contain the value bar regardless of case:

      <assertPropertyContains message="foo doesn't contain bar" value="bar"
                              name="foo" casesensitive="false"/>


Asserts that a given file exists.

Attribute Description Required
file Location of the file. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected file 'file' to exist". No.


Make the build fail if the file ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar doesn't exist:

      <assertFileExists file="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>


Asserts that a given file does not exist.

Attribute Description Required
file Location of the file. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Didn't expect file 'file' to exist". No.


Make the build fail if the file ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar exists:

      <assertFileDoesntExist file="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>


Since AntUnit 1.2

Asserts that a given resource exists. This was intended as a generalization of assertFileExists but still really only works for file resources. Use assertNestedResourceExists or assertRefResourceExists for non-filesystem resources.

Attribute Description Required
resource Location of the resource. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected resource 'resource' to exist". No.


Make the build fail if the resource ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar doesn't exist:

      <assertResourceExists resource="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>

Ant 1.7.x Note

assertResourceExists relies on Ant 1.8.0 or later, it doesn't work with Ant 1.7.x. You can simulate the assertion using the resourceExists condition and assertTrue, for example

      <au:assertTrue message="Expected resource '${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar' to exist">
          <file file="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>


Since AntUnit 1.3

Asserts that a resource given by its id exists.

Attribute Description Required
refid Reference to a resource defined inside the project. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected resource 'refid' to exist". No.


Make the build fail if the resource ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar doesn't exist:

      <file file="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar" id="ant.jar"/>
      <assertRefResourceExists refid="ant.jar"/>

Ant 1.7.x Note

assertRefResourceExists relies on Ant 1.8.0 or later, it doesn't work with Ant 1.7.x.


Since AntUnit 1.3

Asserts that a resource given as nested element exists.

Attribute Description Required
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected resource to exist". No.


Make the build fail if the resource ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar doesn't exist:

        <file file="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>

Ant 1.7.x Note

assertNestedResourceExists relies on Ant 1.8.0 or later, it doesn't work with Ant 1.7.x.


Since AntUnit 1.2

Asserts that a given resource does not exist. This was intended as a generalization of assertFileDoesntExist but still really only works for file resources. Use assertNestedResourceDoesntExist or assertRefResourceDoesntExist for non-filesystem resources.

Attribute Description Required
resource Location of the resource. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Didn't expect resource 'resource' to exist". No.


Make the build fail if the resource ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar exists:

      <assertResourceDoesntExist resource="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>

Ant 1.7.x Note

assertResourceDoesntExist relies on Ant 1.8.0 or later, it doesn't work with Ant 1.7.x. You can simulate the assertion using the resourceExists condition and assertFalse, for example

      <au:assertFalse message="Didn't expect resource '${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar' to exist">
          <file file="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>


Since AntUnit 1.3

Asserts that a resource given by its id exists.

Attribute Description Required
refid Reference to a resource defined inside the project. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Didn't expect resource 'refid' to exist". No.


Make the build fail if the resource ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar exists:

      <file file="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar" id="ant.jar"/>
      <assertRefResourceDoesntExist refid="ant.jar"/>

Ant 1.7.x Note

assertRefResourceDoesntExist relies on Ant 1.8.0 or later, it doesn't work with Ant 1.7.x.


Since AntUnit 1.3

Asserts that a resource given as nested element exists.

Attribute Description Required
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Didn't expect resource to exist". No.


Make the build fail if the resource ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar exists:

        <file file="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>

Ant 1.7.x Note

assertNestedResourceDoesntExist relies on Ant 1.8.0 or later, it doesn't work with Ant 1.7.x.


Asserts that a dest file is more recent than the source file.

Attribute Description Required
src source file. Yes
dest dest file. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected 'dest' to be more recent than 'src'". No.


Make the build fail if the file ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar is more recent than the current build file:

      <assertDestIsUptodate dest="${ant.file}" src="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>


Asserts that a source file is more recent than the dest file.

Attribute Description Required
src source file. Yes
dest dest file. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected 'src' to be more recent than 'dest'". No.


Make the build fail if the file ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar is older than the current build file:

      <assertDestIsOutofdate dest="${ant.file}" src="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>


Asserts that two files have the same content.

Attribute Description Required
expected first file. Yes
actual second file. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected files 'expected' and 'actual' to match". No.


Make the build fail if the file build.xml and backups/build.xml differ.

      <assertFilesMatch expected="backups/build.xml" actual="build.xml"/>


Asserts that two files have different content.

Attribute Description Required
expected first file. Yes
actual second file. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected files 'expected' and 'actual' to differ". No.


Make the build fail if the file build.xml and backups/build.xml match.

      <assertFilesDiffer expected="backups/build.xml" actual="build.xml"/>


Asserts that a reference has a value.

Attribute Description Required
refid Id of the reference. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected reference 'id'". No.


Make the build fail with the message "Expected reference 'foo'" if the reference foo is not defined:

      <assertReferenceSet name="foo"/>


Asserts that a reference has a value of a given type.

Attribute Description Required
refid Id of the reference. Yes
type Name of the data type or task this reference is expected to be. Yes
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected reference 'id' to be a 'type'". No.


Make the build fail if the reference classpath has not been set or doesn't point to a <path>.

      <assertReferenceIsType refid="classpath" type="path"/>


Asserts that a string matches a given regular expression.

Attribute Description Required
string The string to test. Yes
pattern The pattern to test the string against. Yes
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive match. Default is true. No.
multiline Perform a multi line match. Default is false. No.
singleline This allows '.' to match new lines. SingleLine is not to be confused with multiline, SingleLine is a perl regex term, it corresponds to dotall in java regex. Default is false. No.


Make the build fail if the property abc does not contain "abc" regardless of case:

      <assertMatches string="${abc}" pattern="abc" 


Asserts that a string doesn't match a given regular expression.

Attribute Description Required
string The string to test. Yes
pattern The pattern to test the string against. Yes
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive match. Default is true. No.
multiline Perform a multi line match. Default is false. No.
singleline This allows '.' to match new lines. SingleLine is not to be confused with multiline, SingleLine is a perl regex term, it corresponds to dotall in java regex. Default is false. No.


Make the build fail if the property abc contains "abc" regardless of case:

      <assertDoesntMatch string="${abc}" pattern="abc" 


Asserts that the build log contains a given message.

Only works in the context of an <antunit> task.

Attribute Description Required
text The text to search for. Yes
level The level the message should have been logged at - the task will also look into more severe levels. One of "error", "warning", "info", "verbose", "debug". No
mergeLines Whether to merge messages into a single line or split them into multiple lines. since AntUnit 1.3 No, defaults to true


Asserts that the build log doesn't contain a given message.

Only works in the context of an <antunit> task.

Attribute Description Required
text The text to search for. Yes
level The level the message should have been logged at - the task will also look into more severe levels. One of "error", "warning", "info", "verbose", "debug". No
mergeLines Whether to merge messages into a single line or split them into multiple lines. since AntUnit 1.3 No, defaults to true


Asserts that a resource's content includes a given string. This task anly really works for filesystem resources. Use assertRefResourceContains when using non-file resources.

Attribute Description Required
resource Location of the resource to load. Yes
value The text to search for. Yes
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive match. Default is true. No.
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected resource 'resource' to contain value 'value' but was 'content of resource'". No.


Since AntUnit 1.3

Asserts that a resource's content includes a given string.

Attribute Description Required
refid Reference to a resource defined inside the project. Yes
value The text to search for. Yes
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive match. Default is true. No.
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Expected resource 'refeid' to contain value 'value'." No.


Asserts that a resource's content doesn't include a given string. This task anly really works for filesystem resources. Use assertRefResourceDoesntContain when using non-file resources.

Attribute Description Required
resource Location of the resource to load. Yes
value The text to search for. Yes
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive match. Default is true. No.
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Didn't expect resource 'resource' to contain value 'value' but was 'content of resource'". No.


Since AntUnit 1.3

Asserts that a resource's content doesn't include a given string.

Attribute Description Required
refid Reference to a resource defined inside the project. Yes
value The text to search for. Yes
casesensitive Perform a case sensitive match. Default is true. No.
message Message for the exception if the condition doesn't hold true. Defaults to "Didn't expect resource 'refid' to contain value 'value'". No.