# # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # class hdp::params() { ##Constants## $NOTHING='NOTHING' $NOBODY_USER='nobody' ###### environment variables if (hdp_is_empty($configuration) == false) { $core-site = $configuration['core-site'] $hbase-site = $configuration['hbase-site'] $hdfs-site = $configuration['hdfs-site'] $hive-site = $configuration['hive-site'] $hue-site = $configuration['hue-site'] $mapred-site = $configuration['mapred-site'] $oozie-site = $configuration['oozie-site'] $sqoop-site = $configuration['sqoop-site'] $webhcat-site = $configuration['webhcat-site'] $yarn-site = $configuration['yarn-site'] } ##### global state defaults #### $cluster_service_state = hdp_default("cluster_service_state","running") $cluster_client_state = hdp_default("cluster_client_state","installed_and_configured") ## Hostname defaults $hostname = hdp_default("myhostname", $::fqdn) $public_hostname = hdp_default("public_hostname") ##### for secure install $security_enabled = hdp_default("security_enabled",false) $kerberos_domain = hdp_default("kerberos_domain","EXAMPLE.COM") $smoketest_user_secure_uid = hdp_default("smoketest_user_secure_uid",1012) ## $smoketest_user_secure_uid = 1012 $kinit_path_local = hdp_default("kinit_path_local","/usr/bin/kinit") $keytab_path = hdp_default("keytab_path", "/etc/security/keytabs") $use_hostname_in_principal = hdp_default("instance_name", true) $smokeuser_keytab = hdp_default("smokeuser_keytab", "/etc/security/keytabs/smokeuser.headless.keytab") $nagios_keytab_path = hdp_default("nagios_keytab_path", "/etc/security/keytabs/nagios.service.keytab") $nagios_principal_name = hdp_default("nagios_principal_name", "nagios") ###### hostnames $namenode_host = hdp_default("namenode_host") $snamenode_host = hdp_default("snamenode_host") $jtnode_host = hdp_default("jtnode_host") $slave_hosts = hdp_default("slave_hosts") $rm_host = hdp_default("rm_host") $nm_hosts = hdp_default("nm_hosts") $hs_host = hdp_default("hs_host") $zookeeper_hosts = hdp_default("zookeeper_hosts") $flume_hosts = hdp_default("flume_hosts") $flume_port = hdp_default("flume_port", "4159") $hbase_master_hosts = hdp_default("hbase_master_hosts", "") #if hbase_rs_hosts not given it is assumed that region servers on same nodes as slaves $hbase_rs_hosts = hdp_default("hbase_rs_hosts", $slave_hosts) #if mapred_tt_hosts not given it is assumed that tasktracker servers on same nodes as slaves $mapred_tt_hosts = hdp_default("mapred_tt_hosts", $slave_hosts) $all_hosts = hdp_default("all_hosts") $hive_server_host = hdp_default("hive_server_host", "") $oozie_server = hdp_default("oozie_server", "") $webhcat_server_host = hdp_default("webhcat_server_host", "") $gateway_host = hdp_default("gateway_host") $hue_server_host = hdp_default("hue_server_host", "") $nagios_server_host = hdp_default("nagios_server_host") $ganglia_server_host = hdp_default("ganglia_server_host") $dashboard_host = hdp_default("dashboard_host") $hdp_os = $::operatingsystem $hdp_os_version = $::operatingsystemrelease ## Stack version $stack_version = hdp_default("stack_version", "1.3.0") case $::operatingsystem { centos: { case $::operatingsystemrelease { /^5\..+$/: { $hdp_os_type = "centos5" } /^6\..+$/: { $hdp_os_type = "centos6" } } } redhat: { case $::operatingsystemrelease { /^5\..+$/: { $hdp_os_type = "redhat5" } /^6\..+$/: { $hdp_os_type = "redhat6" } } } oraclelinux: { case $::operatingsystemrelease { /^5\..+$/: { $hdp_os_type = "oraclelinux5" } /^6\..+$/: { $hdp_os_type = "oraclelinux6" } } } suse: { $hdp_os_type = "suse" } SLES: { $hdp_os_type = "suse" } default: { hdp_fail("No support for os $::operatingsystem ${hdp_os} ${hdp_os_version}") } } if ($hostAttributes != undef) { $public_namenode_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$namenode_host) $public_snamenode_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$snamenode_host) $public_rm_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$rm_host) $public_nm_hosts = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$nm_hosts) $public_hs_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$hs_host) $public_jtnode_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$jtnode_host) $public_hbase_master_hosts = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$hbase_master_hosts) $public_zookeeper_hosts = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$zookeeper_hosts) $public_ganglia_server_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$ganglia_server_host) $public_nagios_server_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$nagios_server_host) $public_dashboard_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$dashboard_host) $public_hive_server_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$hive_server_host) $public_oozie_server = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$oozie_server) $public_webhcat_server_host = hdp_host_attribute($hostAttributes,"publicfqdn",$webhcat_server_host) } else { $public_namenode_host = hdp_default("namenode_host") $public_snamenode_host = hdp_default("snamenode_host") $public_rm_host = hdp_default("rm_host") $public_nm_hosts = hdp_default("nm_hosts") $public_hs_host = hdp_default("hs_host") $public_jtnode_host = hdp_default("jtnode_host") $public_hbase_master_hosts = hdp_default("hbase_master_hosts") $public_zookeeper_hosts = hdp_default("zookeeper_hosts") $public_ganglia_server_host = hdp_default("ganglia_server_host") $public_nagios_server_host = hdp_default("nagios_server_host") $public_dashboard_host = hdp_default("dashboard_host") $public_hive_server_host = hdp_default("hive_server_host") $public_oozie_server = hdp_default("oozie_server") $public_webhcat_server_host = hdp_default("webhcat_server_host") } ############ users $user_info = hdp_default("user_info",{}) $nagios_default_user = "nagios" $nagios_default_group = "nagios" $nagios_user = hdp_default("nagios_user", $nagios_default_user) $nagios_group = hdp_default("nagios_group",$nagios_default_group) $hdfs_user = hdp_default("hdfs_user","hdfs") $mapred_user = hdp_default("mapred_user","mapred") $yarn_user = hdp_default("yarn_user","yarn") $zk_user = hdp_default("zk_user","zookeeper") $hbase_user = hdp_default("hbase_user","hbase") $hive_user = hdp_default("hive_user","hive") $hcat_user = hdp_default("hcat_user","hcat") $webhcat_user = hdp_default("webhcat_user","hcat") $oozie_user = hdp_default("oozie_user","oozie") $templeton_user = hdp_default("templeton_user","hcat") $gmetad_user = hdp_default("gmetad_user","nobody") $gmond_user = hdp_default("gmond_user","nobody") $smokeuser = hdp_default("smokeuser","ambari_qa") $smoke_user_group = hdp_default("smoke_user_group","users") $sqoop_user = hdp_default("sqoop_user","sqoop") ############ Hdfs users directories $oozie_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("oozie_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/${oozie_user}") $oozie_hdfs_user_mode = 775 $hcat_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("hcat_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/${hcat_user}") $hcat_hdfs_user_mode = 755 $webhcat_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("hcat_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/${webhcat_user}") $webhcat_hdfs_user_mode = 755 $hive_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("hive_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/${hive_user}") $hive_hdfs_user_mode = 700 $smoke_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("smoke_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/${smokeuser}") $smoke_hdfs_user_mode = 770 ############ Hdfs apps directories $hive_apps_whs_dir = hdp_default("hive_apps_whs_dir", "/apps/hive/warehouse") $webhcat_apps_dir = hdp_default("webhcat_apps_dir", "/apps/webhcat") $hbase_hdfs_root_dir = hdp_default("hbase-site/hbase.hdfs.root.dir","/apps/hbase/data") $hbase_staging_dir = hdp_default("hbase-site/hbase.bulkload.staging.dir","/apps/hbase/staging") $yarn_nm_app_log_dir = hdp_default("yarn-site/yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir","/app-logs") $yarn_log_aggregation_enabled = hdp_default("yarn-site/yarn.log-aggregation-enable","true") $mapreduce_jobhistory_intermediate_done_dir = hdp_default("mapred-site/mapreduce.jobhistory.intermediate-done-dir","/mr-history/tmp") $mapreduce_jobhistory_done_dir = hdp_default("mapred-site/mapreduce.jobhistory.done-dir","/mr-history/done") $user_group = hdp_default("user_group","hadoop") $ganglia_enabled = hdp_default("ganglia_enabled",true) #TODO: either remove or make conditional on ec2 $host_address = undef ##### java $java32_home = hdp_default("java32_home","/usr/jdk32/jdk1.6.0_31") $java64_home = hdp_default("java64_home","/usr/jdk64/jdk1.6.0_31") $wipeoff_data = hdp_default("wipeoff_data",false) $jdk_location = hdp_default("jdk_location","http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u31-b03") $jdk_bins = hdp_default("jdk_bins",{ 32 => "jdk-6u31-linux-i586.bin", 64 => "jdk-6u31-linux-x64.bin" }) $jce_policy_zip = "jce_policy-6.zip" $jce_location = hdp_default("jce_location","http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jce_policy/6") $server_db_name = hdp_default("db_name", "postgres") $oracle_jdbc_url = hdp_default("oracle_jdbc_url", "") $mysql_jdbc_url = hdp_default("mysql_jdbc_url", "") $db_driver_file = hdp_default("db_driver_filename", "") ##### $hadoop_home = hdp_default("hadoop_home","/usr") $hadoop_lib_home = hdp_default("hadoop_lib_home","/usr/lib/hadoop/lib") #####compression related $lzo_enabled = hdp_default("lzo_enabled",false) $snappy_enabled = hdp_default("snappy_enabled",true) $lzo_compression_so_dirs = { 32 => "${hadoop_lib_home}/native/Linux-i386-32/", 64 => "${hadoop_lib_home}/native/Linux-amd64-64/" } $snappy_so_src_dir = { 32 => "${hadoop_home}/lib", 64 => "${hadoop_home}/lib64" } $snappy_compression_so_dirs = { 32 => "${hadoop_lib_home}/native/Linux-i386-32/", 64 => "${hadoop_lib_home}/native/Linux-amd64-64/" } $lzo_tar_name = hdp_default("lzo_tar_name","hadoop-lzo-0.5.0") $snappy_so = hdp_default("snappy_so","libsnappy.so") ##### $exec_path = ["/bin","/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"] #### params used on multiple modules $dfs_data_dir = hdp_default("hdfs-site/dfs.data.dir","/tmp/hadoop-hdfs/dfs/data") ### artifact dir $artifact_dir = hdp_default("artifact_dir","/tmp/HDP-artifacts/") ### artifacts download url ## $apache_artifacts_download_url = hdp_default("apache_artifacts_download_url","") $gpl_artifacts_download_url = hdp_default("gpl_artifacts_download_url","") $packages = 'bigtop' if ($packages == 'hdp') { $mapred_smoke_test_script = "/usr/sbin/hadoop-validate-setup.sh" $hadoop_bin = "/usr/sbin" $hadoop_conf_dir = "/etc/hadoop" $zk_conf_dir = "/etc/zookeeper" $hbase_conf_dir = "/etc/hbase" $sqoop_conf_dir = "/etc/sqoop" $pig_conf_dir = "/etc/pig" $oozie_conf_dir = "/etc/oozie" $hadoop_jar_location = "/usr/share/hadoop" $hbase_daemon_script = "/usr/bin/hbase-daemon.sh" $use_32_bits_on_slaves = false $zk_bin = '/usr/sbin' $zk_smoke_test_script = '/usr/bin/zkCli.sh' $update_zk_shell_files = false $hcat_server_host = hdp_default("hcat_server_host") $hcat_mysql_host = hdp_default("hcat_mysql_host") $hue_conf_dir = "/etc/hue/conf" $hive_conf_dir = "/etc/hive/conf" } elsif ($packages == 'bigtop') { $mapred_smoke_test_script = "/usr/lib/hadoop/sbin/hadoop-validate-setup.sh" if $stack_version in ("2.0.1") { $hadoop_bin = "/usr/lib/hadoop/sbin" } else { $hadoop_bin = "/usr/lib/hadoop/bin" } $yarn_bin = "/usr/lib/hadoop-yarn/sbin" $mapred_bin = "/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/sbin" $hadoop_conf_dir = "/etc/hadoop/conf" $yarn_conf_dir = "/etc/hadoop/conf" $zk_conf_dir = "/etc/zookeeper/conf" $hbase_conf_dir = "/etc/hbase/conf" $sqoop_conf_dir = "/usr/lib/sqoop/conf" $pig_conf_dir = "/etc/pig/conf" $oozie_conf_dir = "/etc/oozie/conf" $hive_conf_dir = "/etc/hive/conf" $hcat_conf_dir = "/etc/hcatalog/conf" $hadoop_jar_location = "/usr/lib/hadoop/" $hbase_daemon_script = "/usr/lib/hbase/bin/hbase-daemon.sh" $use_32_bits_on_slaves = false $zk_bin = '/usr/lib/zookeeper/bin' $zk_smoke_test_script = "/usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/zkCli.sh" $update_zk_shell_files = false $hive_mysql_host = hdp_default("hive_mysql_host","localhost") $hcat_server_host = hdp_default("hive_server_host") $hcat_mysql_host = hdp_default("hive_mysql_host") $hue_conf_dir = "/etc/hue/conf" $pathes = { nagios_p1_pl => { 'ALL' => '/usr/bin/p1.pl', suse => '/usr/lib/nagios/p1.pl' } } $services_names = { mysql => { 'ALL' => 'mysqld', suse => 'mysql'}, httpd => { 'ALL' => 'httpd', suse => 'apache2'} } $cmds = { htpasswd => { 'ALL' => 'htpasswd', suse => 'htpasswd2'} } # StackId => Arch => Os $package_names = { snmp => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { suse =>['net-snmp'], 'ALL' => ['net-snmp', 'net-snmp-utils'] } } }, oozie-server => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => 'oozie.noarch' } } }, snappy => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['snappy','snappy-devel'] } } }, hadoop => { 'ALL' => { 32 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop','hadoop-libhdfs.i386','hadoop-native.i386','hadoop-pipes.i386','hadoop-sbin.i386','hadoop-lzo', 'hadoop-lzo-native.i386'] }, 64 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop','hadoop-libhdfs','hadoop-native','hadoop-pipes','hadoop-sbin','hadoop-lzo', 'hadoop-lzo-native'] } }, '2.0.1' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop','hadoop-libhdfs','hadoop-lzo', 'hadoop-lzo-native'] } } }, hadoop-mapreduce-client => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop-mapreduce'] } } }, yarn-common => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop-yarn'] } } }, yarn-nodemanager => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop-yarn-nodemanager'] } } }, yarn-proxyserver => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop-yarn-proxyserver'] } } }, yarn-resourcemanager => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager', 'hadoop-mapreduce'] } } }, mapreduce-historyserver => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver'] } } }, tez_client => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['tez'] } } }, lzo => { 'ALL' => { 'ALL' => { 'ALL' => ['lzo', 'lzo-devel'], suse => ['lzo-devel'] } } }, glibc=> { 'ALL' => { 'ALL' => { 'ALL' => ['glibc','glibc.i686'], suse => ['glibc'] } } }, zookeeper=> { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'zookeeper'}} }, hbase=> { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'hbase'}} }, pig=> { 'ALL' => {'ALL' => {'ALL'=>['pig.noarch']}} }, sqoop=> { 'ALL' => {'ALL' =>{'ALL' => ['sqoop']}} }, mysql-connector-java=> { 'ALL' => {'ALL' =>{'ALL' => ['mysql-connector-java']}} }, oozie-client=> { 'ALL' => {'64' =>{'ALL' => ['oozie-client.noarch']}} }, extjs=> { 'ALL' => {64 =>{'ALL' => ['extjs-2.2-1']}} }, hive=> { 'ALL' => {64 =>{'ALL' => ['hive']}} }, hcat=> { 'ALL' => {'ALL' =>{'ALL' => ['hcatalog']}} }, mysql => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => ['mysql','mysql-server'], suse => ['mysql-client','mysql'] } } }, webhcat => { 'ALL' => {'ALL' => {'ALL' => 'hcatalog'}} }, webhcat-tar-hive => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'webhcat-tar-hive'}} }, webhcat-tar-pig => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' =>'webhcat-tar-pig'}} }, dashboard => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'hdp_mon_dashboard'}} }, perl => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'perl'}} }, perl-Net-SNMP => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'perl-Net-SNMP'}} }, nagios-server => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => 'nagios-3.2.3', suse => ['nagios-3.2.3','nagios-www-3.2.3'] } } }, nagios-fping => { 'ALL' => {64 =>{'ALL' => 'fping'}} }, nagios-plugins => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'nagios-plugins-1.4.9'}} }, nagios-addons => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'hdp_mon_nagios_addons'}} }, nagios-php-pecl-json => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => $NOTHING, suse => 'php5-json', centos6 => $NOTHING, redhat6 => $NOTHING, oraclelinux6 => $NOTHING, centos5 => 'php-pecl-json.x86_64', redhat5 => 'php-pecl-json.x86_64', oraclelinux5 => 'php-pecl-json.x86_64' } } }, ganglia-server => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'ganglia-gmetad-3.2.0'}} }, ganglia-gweb => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'gweb'}} }, ganglia-hdp-gweb-addons => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'hdp_mon_ganglia_addons'}} }, ganglia-monitor => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' =>'ganglia-gmond-3.2.0'}} }, rrdtool-python => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' =>'python-rrdtool.x86_64'}} }, # The 32bit version of package rrdtool-devel is removed on centos 5/6 to prevent conflict ( BUG-2881) rrdtool-devel => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => 'rrdtool-devel.i686', 'centos6' => 'rrdtool-devel.i686', 'centos5' => 'rrdtool-devel.i386', 'redhat6' => 'rrdtool-devel.i686', 'redhat5' => 'rrdtool-devel.i386', 'oraclelinux6' => 'rrdtool-devel.i686', 'oraclelinux5' => 'rrdtool-devel.i386' } } }, # The 32bit version of package rrdtool is removed on centos 5/6 to prevent conflict ( BUG-2408) rrdtool => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => 'rrdtool.i686', 'centos6' => 'rrdtool.i686', 'centos5' => 'rrdtool.i386', 'redhat6' => 'rrdtool.i686', 'redhat5' => 'rrdtool.i386', 'oraclelinux6' => 'rrdtool.i686', 'oraclelinux5' => 'rrdtool.i386' } } }, hue-server => { 'ALL' => {64 => {'ALL' => 'hue.noarch'}} }, ambari-log4j => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => 'ambari-log4j' } } }, httpd => { 'ALL' => { 64 => { 'ALL' => 'httpd', suse => ['apache2', 'apache2-mod_php5'] } } } } $repos_paths = { centos6 => '/etc/yum.repos.d', centos5 => '/etc/yum.repos.d', suse => '/etc/zypp/repos.d', redhat6 => '/etc/yum.repos.d', redhat5 => '/etc/yum.repos.d', oraclelinux6 => '/etc/yum.repos.d', oraclelinux5 => '/etc/yum.repos.d' } $rrd_py_path = { suse => '/srv/www/cgi-bin', centos6 => '/var/www/cgi-bin', centos5 => '/var/www/cgi-bin', redhat6 => '/var/www/cgi-bin', redhat5 => '/var/www/cgi-bin', oraclelinux6 => '/var/www/cgi-bin', oraclelinux5 => '/var/www/cgi-bin' } $nagios_lookup_daemon_strs = { suse => '/usr/sbin/nagios', centos6 => '/usr/bin/nagios', centos5 => '/usr/bin/nagios', redhat6 => '/usr/bin/nagios', redhat5 => '/usr/bin/nagios', oraclelinux6 => '/usr/bin/nagios', oraclelinux5 => '/usr/bin/nagios' } } ###### snmp $snmp_conf_dir = hdp_default("snmp_conf_dir","/etc/snmp/") $snmp_source = hdp_default("snmp_source","") ##TODO!!! for testing needs to be closed up $snmp_community = hdp_default("snmp_community","hadoop") ###### aux #used by ganglia monitor to tell what components and services are present $component_exists = {} $service_exists = {} $is_namenode_master = $hdp::params::hostname in $namenode_host $is_jtnode_master = $hdp::params::hostname in $jtnode_host $is_rmnode_master = $hdp::params::hostname in $rm_host $is_hsnode_master = $hdp::params::hostname in $hs_host $is_hbase_master = $hdp::params::hostname in $hbase_master_hosts }