# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Hue configuration file # =================================== # # For complete documentation about the contents of this file, run # $ /build/env/bin/hue config_help # # All .ini files under the current directory are treated equally. Their # contents are merged to form the Hue configuration, which can # can be viewed on the Hue at # http://:/dump_config ########################################################################### # General configuration for core Desktop features (authentication, etc) ########################################################################### [desktop] send_dbug_messages=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_debug_messages")%> # To show database transactions, set database_logging to 1 database_logging=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_database_logging")%> # Set this to a random string, the longer the better. # This is used for secure hashing in the session store. secret_key=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_secret_key")%> # Webserver listens on this address and port http_host=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_http_host")%> http_port=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_http_port")%> # Time zone name time_zone=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_time_zone")%> # Turn off debug django_debug_mode=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_django_debug_mode")%> # Turn off backtrace for server error http_500_debug_mode=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_http_500_debug_mode")%> # Server email for internal error messages ## django_server_email='hue@localhost.localdomain' # Email backend ## django_email_backend=django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend # Set to true to use CherryPy as the webserver, set to false # to use Spawning as the webserver. Defaults to Spawning if # key is not specified. use_cherrypy_server = <%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_use_cherrypy_server")%> # Webserver runs as this user server_user=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_server_user")%> server_group=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_server_group")%> # If set to false, runcpserver will not actually start the web server. # Used if Apache is being used as a WSGI container. ## enable_server=yes # Number of threads used by the CherryPy web server #cherrypy_server_threads=2 # Filename of SSL Certificate ## ssl_certificate= # Filename of SSL RSA Private Key ## ssl_private_key= # Default encoding for site data ## default_site_encoding=utf-8 # Administrators # ---------------- [[django_admins]] ## [[[admin1]]] ## name=john ## email=john@doe.com # UI customizations # ------------------- [[custom]] # Top banner HTML code ## banner_top_html= # Configuration options for user authentication into the web application # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[auth]] # Authentication backend. Common settings are: # - django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend (entirely Django backend) # - desktop.auth.backend.AllowAllBackend (allows everyone) # - desktop.auth.backend.AllowFirstUserDjangoBackend # (Default. Relies on Django and user manager, after the first login) # - desktop.auth.backend.LdapBackend # - desktop.auth.backend.PamBackend backend=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_backend_auth_policy")%> ## pam_service=login # Configuration options for connecting to LDAP and Active Directory # ------------------------------------------------------------------- [[ldap]] # The search base for finding users and groups ## base_dn="DC=mycompany,DC=com" # The NT domain to connect to (only for use with Active Directory) ## nt_domain=mycompany.com # URL of the LDAP server ## ldap_url=ldap://auth.mycompany.com # Path to certificate for authentication over TLS ## ldap_cert= # Distinguished name of the user to bind as -- not necessary if the LDAP server # supports anonymous searches ## bind_dn="CN=ServiceAccount,DC=mycompany,DC=com" # Password of the bind user -- not necessary if the LDAP server supports # anonymous searches ## bind_password= # Pattern for searching for usernames -- Use for the parameter # For use when using LdapBackend for Hue authentication ## ldap_username_pattern="uid=,ou=People,dc=mycompany,dc=com" [[[users]]] # Base filter for searching for users ## user_filter="objectclass=*" # The username attribute in the LDAP schema ## user_name_attr=sAMAccountName [[[groups]]] # Base filter for searching for groups ## group_filter="objectclass=*" # The username attribute in the LDAP schema ## group_name_attr=cn # Configuration options for specifying the Desktop Database. For more info, # see http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/ref/settings/#database-engine # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[database]] # Database engine is typically one of: # postgresql, mysql, sqlite3, or oracle # # Note that for sqlite3, 'name', below is a filename; # for other backends, it is the database name. <% if scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_db_engine") != "" %> engine=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_db_engine")%> host=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_db_port")%> port=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_db_host")%> user=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_db_user")%> password=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_db_password")%> name=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_db_name")%> <% end %> # Configuration options for connecting to an external SMTP server # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[smtp]] <% if scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_smtp_host") != "" %> # The SMTP server information for email notification delivery host=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_smtp_host")%> port=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_smtp_port")%> user=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_smtp_user")%> password=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_smtp_password")%> <% end %> # Whether to use a TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server tls=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_smtp_tls")%> # Default email address to use for various automated notification from Hue default_from_email=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_default_from_email")%> # Configuration options for Kerberos integration for secured Hadoop clusters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[kerberos]] <% if scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp::params::security_enabled") == true %> # Path to Hue's Kerberos keytab file hue_keytab=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_keytab_path")%> # Kerberos principal name for Hue hue_principal=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_principal")%> # Path to kinit kinit_path=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp::params::kinit_path_local")%> <% end %> ########################################################################### # Settings to configure your Hadoop cluster. ########################################################################### [hadoop] # Configuration for HDFS NameNode # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[hdfs_clusters]] [[[default]]] # Enter the filesystem uri fs_defaultfs=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hadoop_fs_defaultfs")%> # Use WebHdfs/HttpFs as the communication mechanism. To fallback to # using the Thrift plugin (used in Hue 1.x), this must be uncommented # and explicitly set to the empty value. webhdfs_url=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hadoop_webhdfs_url")%> security_enabled=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::security_enabled")%> # Settings about this HDFS cluster. If you install HDFS in a # different location, you need to set the following. # Defaults to $HADOOP_HDFS_HOME or /usr/lib/hadoop-hdfs hadoop_hdfs_home=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hadoop_home")%> # Defaults to $HADOOP_BIN or /usr/bin/hadoop ## hadoop_bin=/usr/bin/hadoop # Defaults to $HADOOP_CONF_DIR or /etc/hadoop/conf ## hadoop_conf_dir=/etc/hadoop/conf # Configuration for MapReduce JobTracker # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[mapred_clusters]] [[[default]]] # Enter the host on which you are running the Hadoop JobTracker jobtracker_host=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hadoop_jt_host")%> # The port where the JobTracker IPC listens on jobtracker_port=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hadoop_jt_port")%> # Thrift plug-in port for the JobTracker ## thrift_port=9290 # Whether to submit jobs to this cluster ## submit_to=False ## security_enabled=false # Settings about this MR1 cluster. If you install MR1 in a # different location, you need to set the following. # Defaults to $HADOOP_MR1_HOME or /usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce hadoop_mapred_home=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hadoop_mapred_home")%> # Defaults to $HADOOP_BIN or /usr/bin/hadoop ## hadoop_bin=/usr/bin/hadoop # Defaults to $HADOOP_CONF_DIR or /etc/hadoop/conf ## hadoop_conf_dir=/etc/hadoop/conf # Configuration for Yarn # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[yarn_clusters]] [[[default]]] # Enter the host on which you are running the ResourceManager resourcemanager_host=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hadoop_yarn_host")%> # The port where the ResourceManager IPC listens on resourcemanager_port=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hadoop_yarn_port")%> # Whether to submit jobs to this cluster ## submit_to=False ## security_enabled=false # Settings about this MR2 cluster. If you install MR2 in a # different location, you need to set the following. # Defaults to $HADOOP_MR2_HOME or /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce hadoop_mapred_home=/usr/lib/hadoop/lib # Defaults to $HADOOP_BIN or /usr/bin/hadoop ## hadoop_bin=/usr/bin/hadoop # Defaults to $HADOOP_CONF_DIR or /etc/hadoop/conf ## hadoop_conf_dir=/etc/hadoop/conf ########################################################################### # Settings to configure liboozie ########################################################################### [liboozie] # The URL where the Oozie service runs on. This is required in order for # users to submit jobs. ## oozie_url=http://localhost:11000/oozie ## security_enabled=false # Location on HDFS where the workflows/coordinator are deployed when submitted. ## remote_deployement_dir=/user/hue/oozie/deployments ########################################################################### # Settings to configure the Oozie app ########################################################################### [oozie] # Location on local FS where the examples are stored. ## local_data_dir=..../examples # Location on local FS where the data for the examples is stored. ## sample_data_dir=...thirdparty/sample_data # Location on HDFS where the oozie examples and workflows are stored. ## remote_data_dir=/user/hue/oozie/workspaces # Share workflows and coordinators information with all users. If set to false, # they will be visible only to the owner and administrators. ## share_jobs=True # Maximum of Oozie workflows or coodinators to retrieve in one API call. ## oozie_jobs_count=100 ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Beeswax ########################################################################### [beeswax] # Deprecated! Will be removed in Hue 3 # Multiple sections are now available in query_servers # Host where Beeswax internal metastore Thrift daemon is running ## beeswax_meta_server_host=localhost # Deprecated! Will be removed in Hue 3 # Multiple sections are now available in query_servers # Configure the port the internal metastore daemon runs on. Used only if # hive.metastore.local is true. ## beeswax_meta_server_port=8003 # Host where Beeswax internal metastore Thrift daemon is running ## beeswax_meta_server_host=localhost # Configure the port the internal metastore daemon runs on. Used only if # hive.metastore.local is true. ## beeswax_meta_server_port=8003 # Hive home directory hive_home_dir=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hive_home_dir")%> # Hive configuration directory, where hive-site.xml is located hive_conf_dir=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hive_conf_dir")%> # Timeout in seconds for thrift calls to beeswax service ## beeswax_server_conn_timeout=120 # Timeout in seconds for thrift calls to the hive metastore ## metastore_conn_timeout=10 # Maximum Java heapsize (in megabytes) used by Beeswax Server. # Note that the setting of HADOOP_HEAPSIZE in $HADOOP_CONF_DIR/hadoop-env.sh # may override this setting. ## beeswax_server_heapsize=1000 # Share saved queries with all users. If set to false, saved queries are # visible only to the owner and administrators. ## share_saved_queries=true # One entry for each Query Server that can execute some SQL queries. # This must be in the bottom of the [beewax] section. [[query_servers]] [[[default]]] # Host where the Query Server Thrift daemon is running ## server_host=localhost # Configure the port the Query Server Thrift server ## server_port=8002 # If DDL queries are supported (e.g. DROP can be sent directly to this server) ## support_ddl=True ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Job Designer ########################################################################### [jobsub] # Location on HDFS where the jobsub examples and templates are stored. ## remote_data_dir=/user/hue/jobsub # Location on local FS where examples and template are stored. ## local_data_dir=..../data # Location on local FS where sample data is stored ## sample_data_dir=...thirdparty/sample_data ########################################################################### # Settings to configure Job Browser ########################################################################### [jobbrowser] # Share submitted jobs information with all users. If set to false, # submitted jobs are visible only to the owner and administrators. ## share_jobs=true ########################################################################### # Settings to configure the Shell application ########################################################################### [shell] # The shell_buffer_amount specifies the number of bytes of output per shell # that the Shell app will keep in memory. If not specified, it defaults to # 524288 (512 MiB). ## shell_buffer_amount=100 # If you run Hue against a Hadoop cluster with Kerberos security enabled, the # Shell app needs to acquire delegation tokens for the subprocesses to work # correctly. These delegation tokens are stored as temporary files in some # directory. You can configure this directory here. If not specified, it # defaults to /tmp/hue_delegation_tokens. ## shell_delegation_token_dir=/tmp/hue_delegation_tokens [[ shelltypes ]] # Define and configure a new shell type "flume" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[[[ flume ]]] # nice_name = "Flume Shell" # command = "/usr/bin/flume shell" # help = "The command-line Flume client interface." # [[[[ environment ]]]] # You can specify environment variables for the Flume shell # in this section. # Define and configure a new shell type "pig" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[[ pig ]]] nice_name = "Pig Shell (Grunt)" command = <%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_pig_shell_command")%> help = "The command-line interpreter for Pig" [[[[ environment ]]]] # You can specify environment variables for the Pig shell # in this section. Note that JAVA_HOME must be configured # for the Pig shell to run. [[[[[ JAVA_HOME ]]]]] value = <%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_pig_java_home")%> # Define and configure a new shell type "hbase" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[[ hbase ]]] nice_name = "HBase Shell" command = <%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_hbase_shell_command")%> help = "The command-line HBase client interface." [[[[ environment ]]]] # You can configure environment variables for the HBase shell # in this section. # Define and configure a new shell type "bash" for testing only # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[[ bash ]]] nice_name = "Bash (Test only!!!)" command = <%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_bash_shell_command")%> help = "A shell that does not depend on Hadoop components" ########################################################################### # Settings for the User Admin application ########################################################################### [useradmin] # The name of the default user group that users will be a member of ## default_user_group=default [hcatalog] templeton_url=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_templeton_url")%> [proxy] whitelist=<%=scope.function_hdp_template_var("::hdp-hue::params::hue_whitelist")%>