getHadoopStackVersion($clusterId); if ($hadoopVersion == AMBARI_HADOOP_1) { $importString = ManifestGenerator::getAllImportsV1($modulesDir); } else { $importString = ManifestGenerator::getAllImportsV2($modulesDir); } fwrite($fh, $importString); $hostsConfig = HostsConfigManifest::getHostsConfigManifest($hostInfo, $configInfo); fwrite($fh, $hostsConfig . "\n"); //Write internal to external mapping if exists $hostsAttributeManifest = HostsConfigManifest::getHostsAttributesManifest( $hostAttributes); fwrite($fh, $hostsAttributeManifest . "\n"); $roleDepObj = new RoleDependencies($hadoopVersion); foreach ($hostRoles as $n => $rolesStates) { $nm = new NodeManifest($n); $roleList = array_keys($rolesStates); $rolesStatesOrig = $rolesStates; foreach($rolesStatesOrig as $role => $states) { //Add host level package dependencies $serviceState = SERVICE_STATE_NOT_APPLICABLE; if (isset($states[SERVICE_STATE_KEY])) { $serviceState = $states[SERVICE_STATE_KEY]; } $hostLevelDependencies = $roleDepObj->getHostLevelDependencies($role, $serviceState); foreach ($hostLevelDependencies as $depRole => $rstates) { $roleList[] = $depRole; //The state could be conflicting, pick the appropriate state //e.g. a dependency shows up with two different service states ManifestGenerator::resolveDepRoleStates($depRole, $rstates, $rolesStates); } } $roleList = array_unique($roleList); //Determine stages for each role $roleStages = $roleDepObj->getRolesStages($roleList); asort($roleStages, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($roleStages as $r => $s) { $nm->setRoleStage($r, $s); if (isset($rolesStates[$r])) { foreach($rolesStates[$r] as $stateName => $stateVal) { $nm->setRoleState($r, $stateName, $stateVal); } } } //ManifestGenerator::optimizePackageInstall($n, $nm, $rolesStates, $configInfo, $roleStages); $nodeManifestString = $nm->generateNodeManifest(); fwrite($fh, $nodeManifestString . "\n"); } fclose($fh); } private static function priorityState($u, $v) { $order = array ( SERVICE_STATE_NOT_APPLICABLE => 0, SERVICE_STATE_UNINSTALLED => 1, SERVICE_STATE_STOPPED => 2, SERVICE_STATE_NO_OP => 3, SERVICE_STATE_INSTALLED_AND_CONFIGURED => 4, SERVICE_STATE_RUNNING => 5 ); if (!isset($v)) { return $u; } else if (!isset($u)) { return $v; } else if ($order[$u] > $order[$v]) { return $u; } else { return $v; } } private static function resolveDepRoleStates($depRole, $rstates, &$rolesStates) { foreach ($rstates as $k => $v) { if ($k == SERVICE_STATE_KEY) { $alreadySetSvcState = NULL; if (isset($rolesStates[$depRole][$k])) { $alreadySetSvcState = $rolesStates[$depRole][$k]; } $rolesStates[$depRole][$k] = ManifestGenerator::priorityState($v, $alreadySetSvcState); } else { //Assume no conflicts for this key $rolesStates[$depRole][$k] = $v; } } } private static function optimizePackageInstall($node, &$manifestObj, $rolesStatesDs, $configInfo, $roleStages) { //Figure out the state $serviceState = SERVICE_STATE_INSTALLED_AND_CONFIGURED; foreach ($rolesStatesDs as $r => $stateList) { if ((isset($stateList[SERVICE_STATE_KEY])) && ($stateList[SERVICE_STATE_KEY] != SERVICE_STATE_NO_OP )) { if ($stateList[SERVICE_STATE_KEY] != SERVICE_STATE_INSTALLED_AND_CONFIGURED) { $serviceState = NULL; break; } } } if (!isset($serviceState)) { $serviceState = SERVICE_STATE_UNINSTALLED; //See if it is uninstalled foreach ($rolesStatesDs as $r => $stateList) { if ( (isset($stateList[SERVICE_STATE_KEY])) && ($stateList[SERVICE_STATE_KEY] != SERVICE_STATE_NO_OP )) { if ($stateList[SERVICE_STATE_KEY] != SERVICE_STATE_UNINSTALLED) { $serviceState = NULL; break; } } } } if (!isset($serviceState)) { //No optimization needed return; } //get list of packages $stages = array(); foreach($roleStages as $roleName => $val) { $stages[$val] = $roleName; } ksort($stages, SORT_NUMERIC); $packageList = array(); foreach($stages as $theStage => $r) { if (!isset($rolesStatesDs[$r])) { continue; } //Add in the order of the stages $stateList = $rolesStatesDs[$r]; if (!isset($stateList[SERVICE_STATE_KEY]) || $stateList[SERVICE_STATE_KEY] != $serviceState) { continue; } if (isset(self::$rolesToPackageMap[$r])) { $p = self::$rolesToPackageMap[$r]; foreach ($p as $apack) { if (!in_array($p, $packageList)) { $packageList[] = $apack; } } } } if (empty($packageList)) { //No packages don't bother return; } //lzo and snappy $snappyPackages = self::$rolesToPackageMap["snappy"]; foreach ($snappyPackages as $spack) { if (!in_array($spack, $packageList)) { $packageList[] = $spack; } } if ($configInfo["lzo_enabled"] == "true") { $p = self::$rolesToPackageMap["lzo"]; foreach ($p as $apack) { if (!in_array($p, $packageList)) { $packageList[] = $apack; } } } $firstP = true; $pList = "\""; foreach ($packageList as $p) { if ($firstP) { $firstP = false; } else { $pList = $pList . " "; } $pList = $pList . $p; } $pList = $pList . "\""; $manifestObj->setRoleState("hdp", SERVICE_STATE_KEY, $serviceState); $manifestObj->setRoleState("hdp", "pre_installed_pkgs", $pList); } private static function getAllImportsV1($modulesDir) { $importString = ""; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-hadoop/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-hbase/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-zookeeper/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-oozie/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-pig/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-sqoop/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-templeton/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-hive/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-hcat/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-mysql/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-monitor-webserver/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; return $importString; } private static function getAllImportsV2($modulesDir) { $importString = ""; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2-hadoop/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2-hbase/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2-zookeeper/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2-oozie/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2-pig/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-sqoop/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-templeton/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2-hive/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2-hcat/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp2-mysql/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; $importString = $importString . "import \"" . $modulesDir . "/hdp-monitor-webserver/manifests/*.pp" ."\"\n"; return $importString; } private static $rolesToPackageMap = array ( "hdp-hadoop::namenode" => array ("hadoop", "hadoop-libhdfs.x86_64", "hadoop-native.x86_64", "hadoop-pipes.x86_64", "hadoop-sbin.x86_64", "hadoop-lzo"), "hdp-hadoop::snamenode" => array ("hadoop", "hadoop-libhdfs.x86_64", "hadoop-native.x86_64", "hadoop-pipes.x86_64", "hadoop-sbin.x86_64", "hadoop-lzo"), "hdp-hadoop::jobtracker" => array ("hadoop", "hadoop-libhdfs.x86_64", "hadoop-native.x86_64", "hadoop-pipes.x86_64", "hadoop-sbin.x86_64", "hadoop-lzo"), "hdp-hadoop::client" => array ("hadoop", "hadoop-libhdfs", "hadoop-native", "hadoop-pipes", "hadoop-sbin", "hadoop-lzo"), "hdp-hadoop::client" => array ("hadoop", "hadoop-libhdfs", "hadoop-native", "hadoop-pipes", "hadoop-sbin", "hadoop-lzo"), "hdp-hadoop::datanode" => array ("hadoop", "hadoop-libhdfs", "hadoop-native", "hadoop-pipes", "hadoop-sbin", "hadoop-lzo"), "hdp-hadoop::tasktracker" => array ("hadoop", "hadoop-libhdfs", "hadoop-native", "hadoop-pipes", "hadoop-sbin", "hadoop-lzo"), "hdp-zookeeper" => array ("zookeeper"), "hdp-zookeeper::client" => array ("zookeeper"), "hdp-hbase::master" => array ("hbase"), "hdp-hbase::regionserver" => array("hbase"), "hdp-hbase::client" => array("hbase"), "hdp-pig" => array("pig.noarch"), "hdp-sqoop" => array("sqoop", "mysql-connector-java"), "hdp-hive::server" => array("hive", "mysql-connector-java"), "hdp-hive::client" => array("hive"), "hdp-hcat" => array("hcatalog"), "hdp-oozie::server" => array("oozie.noarch", "extjs-2.2-1"), "hdp-oozie::client" => array("oozie-client.noarch"), "hdp-mysql::server" => array("mysql-server"), "hdp-templeton::server" => array("templeton", "templeton-tar-pig-", "templeton-tar-hive-"), "hdp-templeton::client" => array("templeton"), "lzo" => array("lzo", "lzo", "lzo-devel", "lzo-devel"), "snappy" => array("snappy", "snappy-devel"), "hdp-ganglia::server" => array("ganglia-gmetad-3.2.0", "ganglia-gmond-3.2.0", "gweb", "hdp_mon_ganglia_addons"), "hdp-ganglia::monitor" => array("ganglia-gmond-3.2.0", "gweb", "hdp_mon_ganglia_addons"), "hdp-nagios::server" => array("hdp_mon_nagios_addons", "nagios-3.2.3", "nagios-plugins-1.4.9", "fping", "net-snmp-utils"), "hdp-dashboard" => array("hdp_mon_dashboard"), ); } ?>