getAllClusters(); $listOfClusters = array(); if ($allClustersResult["result"] != 0) { print(json_encode($allClustersResult)); return; } // Read from the input $requestdata = file_get_contents('php://input'); $requestObj = json_decode($requestdata, true); $clusterName = trim($requestObj["clusterName"]); if ($clusterName == "") { print json_encode(array("result" => 1, "error" => "Cluster name cannot be empty")); return; } if (preg_match("/[\s]+/", $clusterName) > 0) { print json_encode(array("result" => 1, "error" => "Cluster name cannot contain whitespaces")); return; } // do not allow ? ! * + - | " [ ] / ( ) { } ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ' ` ~ , . if (preg_match('/(\?|\+|\-|\||\"|\[|\]|\/|\{|\}|\!|\@|\#|\$|\%|\^|\&|\*|\(|\)|\'|\`|\~|\,|\.)/', $clusterName) > 0) { print json_encode(array("result" => 1, "error" => "Cluster name cannot contain special characters")); return; } // Validate clusterName: TODO; FIXME /* if (!array_key_exists($clusterName, $allClustersResult["clusters"])) { if (!$multipleClustersSupported && count($allClustersResult["clusters"]) != 0 ) { print (json_encode(array( "result" => 1, "error" => "Multiple clusters are not supported and you already have a cluster installed" ))); return; } } */ // create the lockfile in the clusterDir $fileHdl = fopen($GLOBALS["HMC_CLUSTER_PATH"]."/lockfile", "w"); if ($fileHdl == false) { print json_encode(array( "result" => 1, "error" => 'Failed to create lock file...')); return; } fclose($fileHdl); // if user re-enters this page, we need to delete and restart the cluster conf $dbAccessor->wipeOutClusters($clusterName); $logger->log_info("Completed deletion of cluster: ".$clusterName); $hdpVersion="2.0"; // TODO: hardcoded $state="Configuration in progress"; $response = $dbAccessor->createCluster($clusterName, $hdpVersion, $state); // Return errors from response if ($response["result"] != 0) { $logger->log_debug(print_r($response, true)); print json_encode($response); return; } $clusterName = $response["clusterName"]; // Populate the ServiceComponentInfo table $allServiceComps = array(); $allServicesArray = $dbAccessor->getAllServicesList(); if ($allServicesArray["result"] != 0 ) { $logger->log_error("Got error while getting all services list ".$allServicesArray["error"]); print json_encode($allServicesArray); return; } $allServicesInfo = $dbAccessor->getAllServicesInfo($clusterName); if ($allServicesInfo["result"] != 0 ) { $logger->log_error("Got error while getting all services list ".$allServicesInfo["error"]); print json_encode($allServicesInfo); return; } foreach($allServicesArray["services"] as $service) { $thisService = array(); $serviceName = $service["serviceName"]; $componentsStaticTableDBResult = $dbAccessor->getAllServiceComponents($serviceName); if ($componentsStaticTableDBResult["result"] != 0 ) { $logger->log_error("Got error while getting all service components:".$componentsStaticTableDBResult["error"]); print json_encode($componentsStaticTableDBResult); return; } foreach($componentsStaticTableDBResult["components"] as $componentName => $component) { $componentArray = array(); $componentArray["state"] = "UNKNOWN"; $componentArray["desiredState"] = "UNKNOWN"; $thisService[$componentName] = $componentArray; } $allServiceComps[$serviceName] = $thisService; } $result = $dbAccessor->addServiceComponentsToCluster($clusterName, $allServiceComps); if ($result["result"] != 0 ) { $logger->log_error("Got error while adding all service components:".$result["error"]); print json_encode($result); return; } // end of populating the ServiceComponentInfo table $propertiesArr = $dbAccessor->getConfigPropertiesMetaInfo(); if ($propertiesArr["result"] != 0) { print json_encode(array( "result" => 1, "error" => "Error in config properties meta info")); return; } $result = 0; $error = ""; $state = "CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS"; $displayName = "Configuration in progress"; $context = array ( 'stage' => "CREATE_CLUSTER" ); // update state of the cluster to be configuration in progress $retval = updateClusterState($clusterName, $state, $displayName, $context); if ($retval['result'] != 0) { $result = $retval['result']; $error = $retval['error']; } $output = array( "result" => $result, "error" => $error, "response" => array( "clusterName" => $response["clusterName"] ) ); print (json_encode($output)); ?>