getAllServicesInfo($clusterName); if ($allServicesInfos["result"] != 0 ) { $logger->log_error("Got error while getting all services list ".$allServiceInfos["error"]); print json_encode($allServicesInfos); return; } // Get the info of all components. TODO: No getServiceComponentInfo() yet, meh.. $allServicesComponents = $dbAccessor->getAllServiceComponentsList(); if ($allServicesComponents["result"] != 0 ) { $logger->log_error("Got error while getting all services list ".$allServicesComponents["error"]); print json_encode($allServicesComponents); return; } $suggestedNodes = $selectNodes->updateDBWithRoles($clusterName, $dbAccessor, $componentsToHosts ); $logger->log_trace("Debug Trace". json_encode($allServicesComponents["services"])); /* hack to unlock front end if the updateDBWithRoles $allHosts = array(); // For each possible service foreach ($allServicesComponents["services"] as $serviceName => $serviceInfo) { // If the service is enabled $logger->log_error("service enabled thingie " . $allServicesInfos["services"][$serviceName]["isEnabled"]); if ($allServicesInfos["services"][$serviceName]["isEnabled"]) { // For each component in the enabled service foreach ($serviceInfo["components"] as $componentName => $componentInfo) { $logger->log_error("Looking if component exists " . $componentName); if (array_key_exists($componentName, $componentsToHosts)) { // If the component came from the user's host assignment, save the role in the DB. $addHostToComponentResult = $dbAccessor->addHostsToComponent($clusterName, $componentName, array($componentsToHosts[$componentName]), "May the force be with you", "carrot"); array_push($allHosts, $componentsToHosts[$componentName]); if ($addHostToComponentResult["result"] != 0 ) { $logger->log_error("Got error while adding host to component".$addHostToComponentResult["error"]); print json_encode($addHostToComponentResult); return; } } else { $logger->log_error("doesn't exists " . $componentName); } } } } $dbAccessor->addHostsToComponent($clusterName, "DATANODE", $allHosts, "May the force be with you", "carrot"); $dbAccessor->addHostsToComponent($clusterName, "TASKTRACKER", $allHosts, "May the force be with you", "carrot"); hack till here */ // choose the name node as the canary host. $nameNodeHost = $componentsToHosts["NAMENODE2"]; $AllMountPoints = array(); $nameNodeInfoResult = $dbAccessor->getHostInfo($clusterName, $nameNodeHost[0]); if ($nameNodeInfoResult["result"] != 0 ) { $logger->log_error("Got error while getting canary host info for NAMENODE2".$nameNodeInfoResult["error"]); print json_encode($nameNodeInfoResult); return; } $logger->log_info("All mount points: ".$nameNodeInfoResult["disksInfo"]); $AllMountPoints = json_decode($nameNodeInfoResult["disksInfo"], true); // generate the mount points info required by javascript in the next phase $propertiesArr = $dbAccessor->getConfigPropertiesMetaInfo(); if ($propertiesArr["result"] != 0) { print("Error in config properties meta info"); return; } // TODO: Get the displayNames and key names from DB. $outjson = array( "clusterName" => $clusterName, "mountPoints" => $AllMountPoints, "servicesInfo" => array ( "HDFS" => array( "dfs_name_dir" => array( "displayName" => "NameNode directories", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => -1, "suffix" => "hadoop/hdfs/namenode" ), "dfs_data_dir" => array( "displayName" => "DataNode directories", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => -1, "suffix" => "hadoop/hdfs/data" ), "fs_checkpoint_dir" => array( "displayName" => "SecondaryNameNode Checkpoint directory", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => 1, "suffix" => "hadoop/hdfs/namesecondary" ) ), "HDFS2" => array( "dfs_name_dir" => array( "displayName" => "NameNode directories", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => -1, "suffix" => "hadoop/hdfs/namenode" ), "dfs_data_dir" => array( "displayName" => "DataNode directories", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => -1, "suffix" => "hadoop/hdfs/data" ), "fs_checkpoint_dir" => array( "displayName" => "SecondaryNameNode Checkpoint directory", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => 1, "suffix" => "hadoop/hdfs/namesecondary" ) ), "YARN" => array( "yarn_nm_local_dirs" => array( "displayName" => "YARN Application Container Directories", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => -1, "suffix" => "hadoop/yarn" ), "yarn_nm_log_dirs" => array( "displayName" => "YARN Application Container Log Directories", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => -1, "suffix" => "hadoop/yarn" ), ), "MAPREDUCE" => array( "mapred_local_dir" => array( "displayName" => "MapReduce Data Directories", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => -1, "suffix" => "hadoop/mapred" ), ), "OOZIE" => array( "oozie_data_dir" => array( "displayName" => "Oozie DB Directory", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => 1, "suffix" => "hadoop/oozie" ), ), "OOZIE2" => array( "oozie_data_dir" => array( "displayName" => "Oozie DB Directory", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => 1, "suffix" => "hadoop/oozie" ), ), "ZOOKEEPER" => array( "zk_data_dir" => array( "displayName" => "ZooKeeper Data Directory", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => 1, "suffix" => "hadoop/zookeeper" ), ), "ZOOKEEPER2" => array( "zk_data_dir" => array( "displayName" => "ZooKeeper Data Directory", "maxDirectoriesNeeded" => 1, "suffix" => "hadoop/zookeeper" ), ), ), ); // Update the state of the cluster. $result = 0; $error = ""; $state = "CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS"; $displayName = "Configuration in progress"; $context = array ( 'stage' => "ASSIGN_MASTERS" ); $retval = updateClusterState($clusterName, $state, $displayName, $context); if ($retval['result'] != 0) { $result = $retval['result']; $error = $retval['error']; } print(json_encode(array( "result" => $result, "error" => $error, "response" => $outjson))); ?>